IPAQ Registry Information
- An iPAQ's registry stores information about the system. Hardware settings in the registry tell software which hardware is active and how to use it. Entries for software include how to open and activate programs and their current configuration settings. Both built-in programs and user-installed software have registry entries.
- The registry uses a similar organizational system to other files on the hard drive. Root directories are called hives, which store other folders called keys and sub-keys, which tie into a specific application or device. Keys store values which correspond to file paths, option switches, and other specific tweaks to the system.
- While Windows users can access and edit the registry using the "regedit" command, Windows Mobile does not include a built-in method of registry access. To open or change the registry, download a third-party registry editor such as CeRegEditor or Mobile Registry Editor. Many editors run a PC while the iPAQ is connected to the system, while others run directly on the hand-held device.