Math Teaching Credentials for Middle Schools in California
- The California Basic Educational Skills Test is required for all teachers. The goal of the exam is to test a teacher's skill levels in reading, writing and mathematics. It includes multiple choice questions and essay writing. To satisfy the test requirements, teachers have several options. The quickest option is to pass all three portions of the test: math, writing and reading. Teachers can also satisfy the requirement by passing a skills exam in another state, passing the English and math sections of the California State University Early Assessment Program or by passing the English Placement Test and the Entry Level Mathematics Test from CSU with a certain score.
- The Subject Matter Competency requirement exists to prove that an individual's knowledge of mathematics is strong enough to teach it. Three ways are available to prove competency in math. These include earning a passing score on a subject-matter test or completing a subject-matter program that is approved by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing. Teachers in specialized science areas can also request a verification of completion from the commission.
- This program includes an assessment, coursework and a period of student teaching for soon-to-be teachers. Once completed, teachers must receive a recommendation from the college or university in California at which the preparation program was successfully finished. In order to qualify, the program must also be approved by the Commission on Teacher Credentialing.
- The final requirements for being credentialed by the state of California include three different areas. The first is completing a reading instruction course to show competency in Developing English Language Skills. The course includes early intervention and diagnostic techniques, comprehension, literature and languages, decoding and phonics. Teachers must also complete courses in foundational computer technology and on the principles of the U.S. Constitution. If a course is not completed on the U.S. Constitution, a test can also be taken at an accredited institution to fulfill the requirement.
California Basic Educational Skills Test
Subject Matter Competency
Teacher Preparation Program
Other Requirements