Keratosis Pilaris
Keratosis pilaris sounds like a horrible disease, doesn't it? It isn't.
KP is an absolutely harmless skin disorder and will simply resolve itself over time.
Keratosis pilaris causes patches of small acne-like bumps on the upper arms or on the thighs.
The skin appears red and rough.
KP most often appears during the teen years and the early twenties, and it usually disappears as quickly as it appears.
There are no specific causes of KP that have been established, but those who suffer from asthma, hay fever, eczema, ichthyosis vulgaris, hypothyrodism, or Cushing's disease seem to be more prone to keratosis pilaris than others.
The bumps that appear on the skin when keratosis pilaris is present are usually no larger than a grain of sand.
A slight pinkness can be seen around the small bumps.
The skin might appear to be a reddish-brown color.
There is no pain or itching.
Keratosis pilaris is not acne, even though when it appears on the face, it is often mistaken for acne.
There is no "cure" for other than the passage of time, but it can be treated by applying moisturizers to the affected areas frequently.
Moisturizers that contain urea, salicylic acid, or alphahydroxy acids are most helpful.
Applying acne treatments does seem to help, even though keratosis pilaris is not acne.
Applying a mixture of petroleum jelly with water, or salicylic acid, helps to remove the top layer of skin and makes the areas affected by pilaris appear smoother.
Taking tepid showers rather than hot baths seems to have a positive effect as well.
Laser hair removal seems to help some cases.
However, you will simply "outgrow" keratosis pilaris with time, and it doesn't leave scarring like acne.
KP is an absolutely harmless skin disorder and will simply resolve itself over time.
Keratosis pilaris causes patches of small acne-like bumps on the upper arms or on the thighs.
The skin appears red and rough.
KP most often appears during the teen years and the early twenties, and it usually disappears as quickly as it appears.
There are no specific causes of KP that have been established, but those who suffer from asthma, hay fever, eczema, ichthyosis vulgaris, hypothyrodism, or Cushing's disease seem to be more prone to keratosis pilaris than others.
The bumps that appear on the skin when keratosis pilaris is present are usually no larger than a grain of sand.
A slight pinkness can be seen around the small bumps.
The skin might appear to be a reddish-brown color.
There is no pain or itching.
Keratosis pilaris is not acne, even though when it appears on the face, it is often mistaken for acne.
There is no "cure" for other than the passage of time, but it can be treated by applying moisturizers to the affected areas frequently.
Moisturizers that contain urea, salicylic acid, or alphahydroxy acids are most helpful.
Applying acne treatments does seem to help, even though keratosis pilaris is not acne.
Applying a mixture of petroleum jelly with water, or salicylic acid, helps to remove the top layer of skin and makes the areas affected by pilaris appear smoother.
Taking tepid showers rather than hot baths seems to have a positive effect as well.
Laser hair removal seems to help some cases.
However, you will simply "outgrow" keratosis pilaris with time, and it doesn't leave scarring like acne.