New free energy, gravitation-power station!
I have developed new mathematics about gravitation. My maths are based on the mathematics of Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, Johannes Coulomb. Gravitation occurs in the gravitation corridors (as I call them) between a star (sun) and a planet (earth) and between stars in the Universe.
Gravitation in its entirety constitutes a beautiful "net" in the Universe and therefore also in our own Galaxy. Gravitation does not constitute any field such as Einstein´s interpretation. I have waived the Albert Einstein theory of relativity so we can say that we live in Isaac Newton absolute, real-time Lorentz-Minkowski time-space.
I have calculated that there is between the sun and the earth an enormous electrical power. The electric energy is equal to class 5.283656508 x 10 power off 33 J (Joules) or about 3.3 x 10 power off 52 eV.
Gravitation density between the sun and the earth can also be calculated in such a way that results in the density of the number of contacts in the gravitation corridor.
How do we create the gravitation power station? If we think that the rotation of the earth breaks the gravitation contacts and we know that the earth is like a big magnet so it can be concluded, so as to obtain electrical energy.
The idea is based on the generator operation. While the magnet (earth) is wheeling in the electric field as the result the wire is induced by current. This same principle can be implemented in the gravitation power station.
Let´s built only a generator in which the planet earth is the hearth of the generator and the over the earth loopset which store electrical energy into the electricity network.
Gravitation in its entirety constitutes a beautiful "net" in the Universe and therefore also in our own Galaxy. Gravitation does not constitute any field such as Einstein´s interpretation. I have waived the Albert Einstein theory of relativity so we can say that we live in Isaac Newton absolute, real-time Lorentz-Minkowski time-space.
I have calculated that there is between the sun and the earth an enormous electrical power. The electric energy is equal to class 5.283656508 x 10 power off 33 J (Joules) or about 3.3 x 10 power off 52 eV.
Gravitation density between the sun and the earth can also be calculated in such a way that results in the density of the number of contacts in the gravitation corridor.
How do we create the gravitation power station? If we think that the rotation of the earth breaks the gravitation contacts and we know that the earth is like a big magnet so it can be concluded, so as to obtain electrical energy.
The idea is based on the generator operation. While the magnet (earth) is wheeling in the electric field as the result the wire is induced by current. This same principle can be implemented in the gravitation power station.
Let´s built only a generator in which the planet earth is the hearth of the generator and the over the earth loopset which store electrical energy into the electricity network.