Stop Living in Fear of Cancer
When the FDA uses the phrase "may reduce the risk of certain cancers," it is nearly impossible to imagine they are talking about anything other than a new costly prescription pill.
Then following said claim usually includes a fine print warning or commercials with the "speed talker" warning us of the numerous side effects which may occur while taking the prescription.
Proponets of mainstream medicine in the U.
seem content to leave things as they are, shuffling the countless off to the surgical ward, concerned more with slicing and dicing than actually improving your quality of life.
Major pharmaceutical companies refuse to acknowledge anything natural because only chemicals can be patented.
Drug companies then try to replicate the components but it just isn't quite working out.
So, what are we left with? What are our choices? Currently, conventional medicine is basically telling us the way to treat cancer is to cut, poison and burn.
Diagnosed with breast cancer, just cut it off.
Chemotherapy is poison, it makes people very sick and this most popular drug for breast cancer causes uterine cancer.
Use radiation to burn then, but medical studies show that the results between people with cancer who were treated with radiation and those who were not treated showed no difference.
Don't be naive, cancer equals big money and we have been beyond "awareness" for many years now.
In fact, the drug companies have already made 12.
5 billion on diabetes so far in 2008 and this is not intended to come across as unsympathetic for those who currently have cancer and those who have lost friends and loved ones to this disease.
Au contraire, it especially breaks my heart when I think how hard it must be on a young boy or girl who has a form of cancer and the toll it brings on their families.
My question is why the medical profession and big pharma will not give consideration to treating cancer naturally or at least incorporate natural supplements and not just close the door.
Sadly it seems the love of the almighty dollar has distorted things just a bit.
Do not be surprised when in the not to distant future we will be unable to purchase vitamins in the U.
, such as vitamin c for example, without a prescribtion.
CODEX is already controlling a lot of this internationally and it's just a matter of time until those dollar signs trigger a new era in the U.
which is already a signatory but it is not enforced...
Sure we are all familar with the saying "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure," and this is so very true, especially concerning cancer.
It is much easier to prevent a disease than to cure it and cancer is no exception.
All the processed food out there full of preservatives is not only void of nutrients but in many cases is harmful.
Companies advertise we can our daily dose of certain vitamins and minerals with their product so we think it's healthy.
Certain fast foods should least have warnings on the wrapper/box that read "this may cause bad things.
" Organic foods are great option for a nutritious lifestyle if one can afford it.
We need to focus on what we can do to prevent cancer.
Just as it is wise to use preventative measures in other areas of our life, this isn't any different.
This is not meant to bring doom and gloom but don't fall into the trap of "this will never happen to me.
" Without going into a big dissertation about cancer but very simply, cancer starts at the cellular level.
Our immune system plays a vital role in preventing cancer by destroying invading pathogen's.
With this in mind it makes sense to make sure our cells have the nutrients needed, be oxygenated and our immune system is balanced so that the antibodies hit the right target to wipe out the invader.
There are a number of natural supplements available that help make sure this happens, to make any weak links strong.
Like most things, there are the good, the bad and the ugly in the natural supplement arena.
This article is not intended to tell you what or what not to buy, but to let you know there are options that work which you will never hear about from mainstream medicine.
Do some investigation but keep in mind that mainstream, conventional medicine is quick to use the term "quackery" that which does not fit neatly in their protocol.
Then following said claim usually includes a fine print warning or commercials with the "speed talker" warning us of the numerous side effects which may occur while taking the prescription.
Proponets of mainstream medicine in the U.
seem content to leave things as they are, shuffling the countless off to the surgical ward, concerned more with slicing and dicing than actually improving your quality of life.
Major pharmaceutical companies refuse to acknowledge anything natural because only chemicals can be patented.
Drug companies then try to replicate the components but it just isn't quite working out.
So, what are we left with? What are our choices? Currently, conventional medicine is basically telling us the way to treat cancer is to cut, poison and burn.
Diagnosed with breast cancer, just cut it off.
Chemotherapy is poison, it makes people very sick and this most popular drug for breast cancer causes uterine cancer.
Use radiation to burn then, but medical studies show that the results between people with cancer who were treated with radiation and those who were not treated showed no difference.
Don't be naive, cancer equals big money and we have been beyond "awareness" for many years now.
In fact, the drug companies have already made 12.
5 billion on diabetes so far in 2008 and this is not intended to come across as unsympathetic for those who currently have cancer and those who have lost friends and loved ones to this disease.
Au contraire, it especially breaks my heart when I think how hard it must be on a young boy or girl who has a form of cancer and the toll it brings on their families.
My question is why the medical profession and big pharma will not give consideration to treating cancer naturally or at least incorporate natural supplements and not just close the door.
Sadly it seems the love of the almighty dollar has distorted things just a bit.
Do not be surprised when in the not to distant future we will be unable to purchase vitamins in the U.
, such as vitamin c for example, without a prescribtion.
CODEX is already controlling a lot of this internationally and it's just a matter of time until those dollar signs trigger a new era in the U.
which is already a signatory but it is not enforced...
Sure we are all familar with the saying "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure," and this is so very true, especially concerning cancer.
It is much easier to prevent a disease than to cure it and cancer is no exception.
All the processed food out there full of preservatives is not only void of nutrients but in many cases is harmful.
Companies advertise we can our daily dose of certain vitamins and minerals with their product so we think it's healthy.
Certain fast foods should least have warnings on the wrapper/box that read "this may cause bad things.
" Organic foods are great option for a nutritious lifestyle if one can afford it.
We need to focus on what we can do to prevent cancer.
Just as it is wise to use preventative measures in other areas of our life, this isn't any different.
This is not meant to bring doom and gloom but don't fall into the trap of "this will never happen to me.
" Without going into a big dissertation about cancer but very simply, cancer starts at the cellular level.
Our immune system plays a vital role in preventing cancer by destroying invading pathogen's.
With this in mind it makes sense to make sure our cells have the nutrients needed, be oxygenated and our immune system is balanced so that the antibodies hit the right target to wipe out the invader.
There are a number of natural supplements available that help make sure this happens, to make any weak links strong.
Like most things, there are the good, the bad and the ugly in the natural supplement arena.
This article is not intended to tell you what or what not to buy, but to let you know there are options that work which you will never hear about from mainstream medicine.
Do some investigation but keep in mind that mainstream, conventional medicine is quick to use the term "quackery" that which does not fit neatly in their protocol.