How to Mount a Wireless Outdoor IP Camera
There are different aspects to consider when it comes to the installation of a wireless outdoor IP camera. These factors can make your outdoor wireless security camera installation an effective deterrent and monitoring system.
The intended location of your camera should be protected from the elements of nature. For instance, make sure that the camera or its cable connection is not exposed to rain or snow. Since security cameras usually come with different ratings of waterproofness and temperature, choose one that can withstand all the varied weather conditions it will meet at the location you've picked.
If finding a sheltered location for an outdoor camera is not an option, it is advisable to get a casing for it that has a heating or cooling fan. Even weatherproofed cameras have a limited tolerance when it comes to the amount of time they can be exposed to rain and snow.
Depending on how far away the camera is located in relation to the recording device, you may need more expensive, higher-quality cabling. Be sure to verify the distance ratings on the cable, the DVR and the security camera. Be sure to keep the camera near a power outlet. Note that a surge protector may be required when plugging the camera in so the entire system is protected from electrical damage.
The more recent types of wireless cameras are perfect for avoiding cabling issues. However, keep in mind that they also have their own distance issues, and the wireless transmission may be vulnerable to outside interference. The system specifications should be checked against possible outdoor interference before buying a wireless system.
Aside from having enough lighting, set up the camera in a way in which light sources don't ruin the footage. For example, bright lights that shine directly toward the camera will blur out almost all of the recording. Glass reflections will discord the image, as will mounting the camera in a poorly-lit area pointed toward a bright area. Before using your mounting hardware on the wall, test the camera at the location to make sure it will function well under the given lighting conditions.
Crowded Areas
Place your camera in crowded locations where it will monitor a majority of the people coming into and out of your home. The camera will be deemed ineffective if it can't record people coming into your home. Mount the camera as high off the ground so it is difficult for intruders to alter. However, always remember not to mount the camera too high that it can't effectively record people's faces.
A sunshade is useful if you want to increase the effectiveness of the camera, especially in challenging lighting conditions. Shades are basically made out of metal and attached to the top of the camera. HDMI wires may also be used to connect cameras to a home theatre system.