The Apartment Laundry Room Goes High Tech
We've all done it at some point in our lives…searched the cushions of the sofa for some coins in order to get that desperately needed load of clothes washed. New high tech laundry rooms may make this scenario obsolete. This updated technology is a win-win situation for both the laundry room provider and the residents using them.
Providing convenience and security, coinless, cashless electronic laundry room systems offer significant improvements over traditional coin-operated laundry rooms. Coinless, cashless laundry machines are accessed by using a "smart-card" sometimes called an AccessCard. The user can add value to the card at any time using a credit card or a bank ATM card, ending the frantic search for enough coins to do the laundry or amassing rolls of quarters. Residents can also arrange to prepay via check to increase the balance on their AccessCard for laundry charges.
From a security point of view, only bonafide residents using the smart-card system will be drawn to the laundry area. This helps ensure the security of the individual user as well as for the equipment. Would-be thieves will not be doing thousands of dollars worth of damage to valuable equipment in order to steal a few dollars worth of coins.
Some laundry room service providers enhance the convenience by offering remote laundry monitors. Residents can avoid unnecessary trips to the laundry room by checking the availability status of washers and dryers through a personal computer. They may also be able to receive the same information via voice-based messages on their telephone or cell phone. In addition, they can request notification of when their laundry is finished or when a specific number of machines are available. Some remote monitoring systems can even approximate the number of minutes left before the laundry will be done. How cool is that?
While all of this may seem to be more of a benefit to the user than to the provider, there is much to recommend the investment into high tech laundry facilities. Besides the obvious lack of coins to collect or risk having stolen, some laundry service companies provide detailed revenue accountability systems that report revenue for the last collection period as well as year-to-date totals.
When there is there is stiff competition to maintain full occupancy of apartments, condos, dorms, or hotel rooms, a laundry room with cutting edge technology can make the difference between a vacancy or no vacancy sign.
If your establishment is investigating going high tech with its laundry operations, choose a service company that applies the best technology available and quality equipment such as Whirlpool and Maytag. Choose a company that provides detailed revenue information and coinless, cashless machines with remote monitoring capabilities that ensure your user's satisfaction. Select a company that will provide unsurpassed maintenance and repair and that includes GPS systems on its vehicles for speedy service calls.
By selecting a quality company that provides all of the high tech services and equipment you need, you won't get taken to the cleaners!
Providing convenience and security, coinless, cashless electronic laundry room systems offer significant improvements over traditional coin-operated laundry rooms. Coinless, cashless laundry machines are accessed by using a "smart-card" sometimes called an AccessCard. The user can add value to the card at any time using a credit card or a bank ATM card, ending the frantic search for enough coins to do the laundry or amassing rolls of quarters. Residents can also arrange to prepay via check to increase the balance on their AccessCard for laundry charges.
From a security point of view, only bonafide residents using the smart-card system will be drawn to the laundry area. This helps ensure the security of the individual user as well as for the equipment. Would-be thieves will not be doing thousands of dollars worth of damage to valuable equipment in order to steal a few dollars worth of coins.
Some laundry room service providers enhance the convenience by offering remote laundry monitors. Residents can avoid unnecessary trips to the laundry room by checking the availability status of washers and dryers through a personal computer. They may also be able to receive the same information via voice-based messages on their telephone or cell phone. In addition, they can request notification of when their laundry is finished or when a specific number of machines are available. Some remote monitoring systems can even approximate the number of minutes left before the laundry will be done. How cool is that?
While all of this may seem to be more of a benefit to the user than to the provider, there is much to recommend the investment into high tech laundry facilities. Besides the obvious lack of coins to collect or risk having stolen, some laundry service companies provide detailed revenue accountability systems that report revenue for the last collection period as well as year-to-date totals.
When there is there is stiff competition to maintain full occupancy of apartments, condos, dorms, or hotel rooms, a laundry room with cutting edge technology can make the difference between a vacancy or no vacancy sign.
If your establishment is investigating going high tech with its laundry operations, choose a service company that applies the best technology available and quality equipment such as Whirlpool and Maytag. Choose a company that provides detailed revenue information and coinless, cashless machines with remote monitoring capabilities that ensure your user's satisfaction. Select a company that will provide unsurpassed maintenance and repair and that includes GPS systems on its vehicles for speedy service calls.
By selecting a quality company that provides all of the high tech services and equipment you need, you won't get taken to the cleaners!