Emotional Freedom Techniques - Dumping the Revenge and Anger
Many folks are holding so much hate inside them that it affects nearly everything they do in life.
In fact, someone somewhere along the way did them wrong and they blame this person for their failings in life.
They so want revenge that they can barely contain themselves, and it ends up eating themselves up inside, literally causing their central nervous system to misfire.
What they need to do is so simple, but getting them to do it, well that is a whole other thing entirely.
Of course, if they will not admit that they have internalized these feelings and will not dump the hate, it is they who will suffer not the individual they are focusing their anger too.
If however, emotional freedom techniques are deployed, they can find themselves understanding, perhaps even forgiving the individual, and they are able to move on.
The amount of emotional relief will feel like a giant weight has been lifted off their shoulders.
Those who've gone through this process know what a wonderful experience it can be to dump the hate, anger and revenge motivation.
The first step to this healing process comes by putting oneself into the shoes of the individual that caused the anguish in the beginning.
Then trying to work back and understand why they did it, and what they were thinking.
Next, it is a matter of not necessarily approving of their actions or condoning their behavior but understanding one's reaction to an outside stimulus, and allowing it to affect them.
Please try these techniques and try to heal yourself of your anger and hate.
In fact, someone somewhere along the way did them wrong and they blame this person for their failings in life.
They so want revenge that they can barely contain themselves, and it ends up eating themselves up inside, literally causing their central nervous system to misfire.
What they need to do is so simple, but getting them to do it, well that is a whole other thing entirely.
Of course, if they will not admit that they have internalized these feelings and will not dump the hate, it is they who will suffer not the individual they are focusing their anger too.
If however, emotional freedom techniques are deployed, they can find themselves understanding, perhaps even forgiving the individual, and they are able to move on.
The amount of emotional relief will feel like a giant weight has been lifted off their shoulders.
Those who've gone through this process know what a wonderful experience it can be to dump the hate, anger and revenge motivation.
The first step to this healing process comes by putting oneself into the shoes of the individual that caused the anguish in the beginning.
Then trying to work back and understand why they did it, and what they were thinking.
Next, it is a matter of not necessarily approving of their actions or condoning their behavior but understanding one's reaction to an outside stimulus, and allowing it to affect them.
Please try these techniques and try to heal yourself of your anger and hate.