5 Easy Ways To Make Money Online If You Live In The United States
1. Take paid surveys. It does not get any easier than this. Sit at home and take paid surveys for money with nothing more than your computer and Internet access.
Cash Crates is a very good program. InBox Dollars is another one. Both are free to join. Survey Scout is a paid program that is very good too!
2. Email marketing with affiliate programs. Affiliate programs are free to join. You can promote them to other people's list if you have a little bit of money.
HBAds.com and My Wizard Ads are 2 very good sources for email marketing in ezines. You can also buy email subscribers and have them imported directly into your own autoresponder. Get Response is a good site for that.
3. Network marketing. There are hundreds of mlm programs you can join in the U.S. Many are worldwide as well.
This is a good business model because you make money on the efforts of others. Duplication is a powerful component of network marketing that makes it easier to make money every month.
4. Direct sales. I like direct sales programs today because the business opportunities do so much of the work.
Many times all you do is focus on marketing. Get traffic to your company website and let them take over.
They will pre-sell, sell, collect money, and ship the product. They will also follow up for you via autoresponder.
5. Telecommute. There are many businesses that would prefer to pay you to work for them from the comfort of your own home.
TJobs.com is a great website that brings employers and employees together. To qualify for telecommuting you have to apply for these jobs. You may have to do a phone interview or an email interview to get hired.
Many of these jobs can be done primarily online. Some may require an outside phone line if you're going to be doing customer service, sales, or other jobs that require you to interact with the public.
These are 5 easy ways to make money online if you live in the United States. Often times you can find opportunities that are worldwide in scope as well.
This is not to say that you are not going to have to work. However, the opportunities can pay very well, and be worth the effort because you get to stay home and do it.