The Main Alcoholism Fact is That it Ruins Lives
For many centuries the world has abused alcohol and other related substances for different reasons. When we discuss alcoholism fact, it must begin with the reason that makes this substance so popular. Actually when alcohol is taken in the body and eventually the brain, it secretes some chemicals called dopamine and serotonin. It is due to these chemicals that induce a state of euphoria, goodness and well-being for the drinker.
Most of the time when any drinker drinks alcohol he feels good and a sense of euphoria is induced in his brain. That is the main reason a drinker drinks alcohol repeatedly. Only due to this feeling, a social drinker becomes an alcoholic personality.
Let us see some alcohol facts and myths here. Readers please note that these fact and myths are research based. One of the main myths is that alcohol destroys brain cells, whereas fact is the moderate consumption of alcohol does not destroy brain cells. In fact, it is often associated with improved cognitive or mental functioning.
Another common myth is white or red wine is a good choice for a person who wants a light drink with less alcohol. Whereas the surprising alcoholism fact is a glass of white or red wine, a bottle of beer, or a shot of whiskey or other distilled spirits all contain equivalent amounts of alcohol.
Another important alcoholism fact is that regular consumption of alcohol produces tolerance to the substance. That means regular consumption makes a drinker used to a specific quantity of alcohol. As a result, alcohol does not get high on it and there is either no euphoria or little euphoria.
One of the most important alcoholism facts is people abuse alcohol to get that sense of euphoria or well being. Another remarkable alcoholism fact is tolerance increases with the regular consumption of alcohol. Suppose a person drinks alcohol on a regular basis, his tolerance or capacity increases with the time. This means he would have to take more alcohol to get that feeling of euphoria or well being.
As generally seen, physically for men and women of the same height and weight, the effects of alcohol are different for both of them. Studies show that as compared to men women are affected more rapidly because they tend to have a slightly higher proportion of fat to lean muscle tissue. That results in concentrating alcohol a little more easily in their lower percentage of body water. In addition to that, women also have less dehydrogenase, an enzyme responsible for metabolization.
Another important alcoholism fact is that the effects of same amount, quality and in take have different effects on different body. That means the effects differ severely from person to person. For example, if one addict has severe liver damage the other has pancreatitis. However, it is interesting to note that the first organ to bear the impact of the alcohol intake is always the stomach. That is because of the acidic nature of alcohol.
Liver damage is one of the commonest health problems amongst alcoholics, beginning with hepatitis and ending with cirrhosis.
Lastly, when it comes to stomach then apart from other body organs, the liver gets affected more severely. As we know, the liver is the organ responsible for production of many enzymes, clotting factors and breakdown of food. Therefore, damage to liver disrupts many body functions. Therefore, as far as possible we should stay away from heavy use of alcohol, otherwise chances of us becoming another statistics would be increased drastically.