Know What? YOu can be an eBay Powerseller
An eBay powerseller is an official designation bestowed by eBay upon those sellers who have reached a certain sales performance and have a high level of total feedback. To be named as an eBay powerseller, you have to achieve at least a 98% positive rating by other eBay users.
For a live example of an eBay powerseller, there's Ted Corriher, a home, garden and farm equipment dealer in Newton, North Carolina. When he started out four years ago, he didn't know much about computers or the internet. He didn't even have a personal e-mail account.
During that time, all of his friends were buying on eBay, and he didn't want to be left out. He asked one of his employees to research about eBay and find out how he could sell his equipment on eBay. Now, three years later, he sells about $100,000 worth of equipment on eBay every month. His predominantly tractor-sales business has grown from $4 million to $10 million according to his annual sales.
Since joining to become part of the 147 million registered users on eBay, Corriher says that being an eBay powerseller has been a rewarding and enlightening experience for him. It also helped in reviving his grandfather's business. He has also started on business expansions.
For those of you wanting to be inspired, and become an eBay powerseller like Corriher, know that it's not impossible for a startup seller to reach the eBay powerseller level of achievement in a short time of 3 years, like Corriher did.
So, as you aim for the recognition of being an eBay powerseller, start focusing your energies first on being a better eBay seller. Here are ten tips that can help you to transform into a better seller.
Once you got this far, you already got the basics of eBay. However, there are several little, but significant things left that you may not have thought of trying, yet.
Some of these tips may go against other advices being given for eBay selling. Some are a little risky and some are just odd. But, there's no harm in trying, though. And you can easily discard the things you don't agree with and apply those you want to keep using.
1. Keep more records - even if it sounds time consuming, it would probably keep your job of tracking down cheques, delivery and shipping receipts and other such paper work, easier in the long run.
2. Post without payment - this might sound a bit risky, but it means that the buyers get their items more quickly than the usual process of waiting for payments to clear and be received. Do this ideally for small items, you might find it worth the occasional loss to give such quick service. Buyers would remember you for it.
3. Post every day - if you have started shifting on high volume items, posting them every day might help you satisfy your customers. By posting your items everyday, your customers will them quickly enough and thereby make them very happy, indeed. If you have items that are small enough to drop in a postbox, you might consider doing this.
4. Encourage an auction mentality. Entertain bidders by boosting them to place a bid on the product and not just buy quickly. However, make it very clear when it's the last or only stock you'll be getting in. Boost the bid winners' confidence more by referring to them as 'winners.'
5. Mention every defect your item has. Or better yet, have a good, truthful & detailed description of your item in the search results listing. By doing this, you build credibility and have buyers trust you. People bid more when they trust the seller.
6. Say how you got the item. This should also be part the detailed description you need to prepare. Say all, like the fun details of how you got hold of what you're selling. Providing this bit of information gives your auction character and, again, builds trust.
7. Accept odd payment methods. Be flexible on whatever forms of payment your buyer would suggest.
8. Don't be afraid to sell low. By occasionally letting an item go for a really low price to a good buyer, chances are you might be getting even on it. But, you have secured a buyer who'll come back again and again.
9. Give free shipping for a certain number of orders, or orders over a certain amount. Sometimes people buy some item they don't want, just because of the free shipping. Try it, it is an tactic
10. Ship worldwide. Be nice to international customers and get more market by this. Take time to investigate the prices. Just imagine how much your market will expand once you do worldwide shipping.
Try to use some of the many eBay tools available. If you just be more open-minded and see the long term effect of several of the tips mentioned, then in no time at all, you might just be the next eBay powerseller.
For a live example of an eBay powerseller, there's Ted Corriher, a home, garden and farm equipment dealer in Newton, North Carolina. When he started out four years ago, he didn't know much about computers or the internet. He didn't even have a personal e-mail account.
During that time, all of his friends were buying on eBay, and he didn't want to be left out. He asked one of his employees to research about eBay and find out how he could sell his equipment on eBay. Now, three years later, he sells about $100,000 worth of equipment on eBay every month. His predominantly tractor-sales business has grown from $4 million to $10 million according to his annual sales.
Since joining to become part of the 147 million registered users on eBay, Corriher says that being an eBay powerseller has been a rewarding and enlightening experience for him. It also helped in reviving his grandfather's business. He has also started on business expansions.
For those of you wanting to be inspired, and become an eBay powerseller like Corriher, know that it's not impossible for a startup seller to reach the eBay powerseller level of achievement in a short time of 3 years, like Corriher did.
So, as you aim for the recognition of being an eBay powerseller, start focusing your energies first on being a better eBay seller. Here are ten tips that can help you to transform into a better seller.
Once you got this far, you already got the basics of eBay. However, there are several little, but significant things left that you may not have thought of trying, yet.
Some of these tips may go against other advices being given for eBay selling. Some are a little risky and some are just odd. But, there's no harm in trying, though. And you can easily discard the things you don't agree with and apply those you want to keep using.
1. Keep more records - even if it sounds time consuming, it would probably keep your job of tracking down cheques, delivery and shipping receipts and other such paper work, easier in the long run.
2. Post without payment - this might sound a bit risky, but it means that the buyers get their items more quickly than the usual process of waiting for payments to clear and be received. Do this ideally for small items, you might find it worth the occasional loss to give such quick service. Buyers would remember you for it.
3. Post every day - if you have started shifting on high volume items, posting them every day might help you satisfy your customers. By posting your items everyday, your customers will them quickly enough and thereby make them very happy, indeed. If you have items that are small enough to drop in a postbox, you might consider doing this.
4. Encourage an auction mentality. Entertain bidders by boosting them to place a bid on the product and not just buy quickly. However, make it very clear when it's the last or only stock you'll be getting in. Boost the bid winners' confidence more by referring to them as 'winners.'
5. Mention every defect your item has. Or better yet, have a good, truthful & detailed description of your item in the search results listing. By doing this, you build credibility and have buyers trust you. People bid more when they trust the seller.
6. Say how you got the item. This should also be part the detailed description you need to prepare. Say all, like the fun details of how you got hold of what you're selling. Providing this bit of information gives your auction character and, again, builds trust.
7. Accept odd payment methods. Be flexible on whatever forms of payment your buyer would suggest.
8. Don't be afraid to sell low. By occasionally letting an item go for a really low price to a good buyer, chances are you might be getting even on it. But, you have secured a buyer who'll come back again and again.
9. Give free shipping for a certain number of orders, or orders over a certain amount. Sometimes people buy some item they don't want, just because of the free shipping. Try it, it is an tactic
10. Ship worldwide. Be nice to international customers and get more market by this. Take time to investigate the prices. Just imagine how much your market will expand once you do worldwide shipping.
Try to use some of the many eBay tools available. If you just be more open-minded and see the long term effect of several of the tips mentioned, then in no time at all, you might just be the next eBay powerseller.