Borax Practical Uses
Usually, it is a white powder with soft colorless crystals which, when placed in water, can easily be dissolved.
It is also a mineral and a salt of boric acid.
Borax is formed when seasonal lakes repeatedly evaporate, and produce evaporate deposits.
These deposits are where the borax can be found.
Borax is refined through recrystallization.
Aside from its natural form, it can also be synthetically produced by other boron compounds.
Borax as an Insecticide Borax is used in insecticides and these are widely used to control household pests.
Although it used to be very effective, some insects have grown to be pesticide-resistant.
Insecticides are also dangerous to human health.
It can cause many health problems.
Because of this, it is advisable to use the simple and easy methods such as cleaning the mattresses and using a vacuum to clean other areas of the house.
Aside from getting rid of these insects, we also have to treat the skin irritations caused by them.
An anti-itch cream may be used, or calamine lotion.
Other Different Uses Borax has a wide variety of uses in a wide variety of ways.
As a component, it may be a strengthening ingredient of enamel glazes, pottery, glass, and ceramics, and a tackifier in starch, dextrin, and casein based adhesives.
It may be used as a fire-retardant and ironically to add green tint on fires.
It is a component for oxygen in detergents, and may even be used to make indelible ink for dip pens.
It may also be used to clean the brain cavity of a skull for mounting, and to make a rubbery polymer called 'flubber'.
It is used as a flux for iron and steel, and for making a buffer in chemical and biochemical laboratories.
For large areas, borax can be used as a buffering agent in swimming pools.
It can also be used in agriculture as a fertilizer to correct soils with poor boron.
As a cure, borax may be found in some vitamin supplements and also used as a food additive.
It is a treatment for thrush in horses' hooves, and a curing agent for salmon eggs uses in sport fishing for salmon, and curing agent for snake skins.
Borax can also be used as an anti-fungal compound and as mentioned above, an insecticide for cockroaches, bedbugs, fleas, and many other insects.