The Benefits of Water Barrels
In many places throughout the world water shortages and drought are becoming common place.
Even here in North America, where we have plenty of advanced technology, we're still experiencing water shortages and it's only going to get worse.
With talks from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate change forecasting rough days ahead through shifting weather patterns and rising temperatures it's probably a good time for us as a society to start thinking of ways that we can individually help preserve our precious water supplies.
After all, I'm sure everyone has heard a variation of the saying "the wars of the future won't be fought over oil, they'll be fought over water", so already armed with this information and the predictions from scientists, it seems like a smart decision on our part would we be to take action.
One great way to step to the challenge and begin conserving water is with rain barrels.
It only takes about an inch of rain to fill up a fifty gallon barrel.
So even in the driest places like Nevada, where they only average about seven inches of rain per year, there's still water that can be utilized.
Some of our most water consuming processes like agriculture and lawn maintenance would greatly benefit from the use of water captured in rain barrels.
It's not necessary to use potable drinking to feed the cows or to water the grass when pure, naturally filtered water that falls from the sky on a somewhat regular basis is perfectly safe for them to drink.
We need to ensure that the water is free from microbes and bacteria, so it probably wouldn't be a good idea for us to start drinking captured water but in the future this may be our only choice.
For the time being though, it would provide an immediate solution to our current water shortage problems.
Their easy to set up as well, all you need to do is purchase a rain barrel.
Next, you attach your gutter's downspout and insert it about six inches into the barrel.
The captured water can be used to water the grass and the flowers and to make things more convenient you can hook up spigot at the bottom of your barrel and attach a hose to make water the lawn and low lying plants.
Even here in North America, where we have plenty of advanced technology, we're still experiencing water shortages and it's only going to get worse.
With talks from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate change forecasting rough days ahead through shifting weather patterns and rising temperatures it's probably a good time for us as a society to start thinking of ways that we can individually help preserve our precious water supplies.
After all, I'm sure everyone has heard a variation of the saying "the wars of the future won't be fought over oil, they'll be fought over water", so already armed with this information and the predictions from scientists, it seems like a smart decision on our part would we be to take action.
One great way to step to the challenge and begin conserving water is with rain barrels.
It only takes about an inch of rain to fill up a fifty gallon barrel.
So even in the driest places like Nevada, where they only average about seven inches of rain per year, there's still water that can be utilized.
Some of our most water consuming processes like agriculture and lawn maintenance would greatly benefit from the use of water captured in rain barrels.
It's not necessary to use potable drinking to feed the cows or to water the grass when pure, naturally filtered water that falls from the sky on a somewhat regular basis is perfectly safe for them to drink.
We need to ensure that the water is free from microbes and bacteria, so it probably wouldn't be a good idea for us to start drinking captured water but in the future this may be our only choice.
For the time being though, it would provide an immediate solution to our current water shortage problems.
Their easy to set up as well, all you need to do is purchase a rain barrel.
Next, you attach your gutter's downspout and insert it about six inches into the barrel.
The captured water can be used to water the grass and the flowers and to make things more convenient you can hook up spigot at the bottom of your barrel and attach a hose to make water the lawn and low lying plants.