5 Foods for Acne Scar Removal At Home
Over the counter medications for treating acne scars are easily available at your local pharmacy.
On the other hand, not everyone can be prescribed with this kind of medicine.
The good news is that there are certain foods you can eat for acne scar removal at home and here are some of them.
Lemons When life gives you lemons, you can use them to treat your acne.
The natural ingredients found in lemon also works great for acne scars.
Just a dab of lemon juice applied over the problem area is enough to see results.
You will have to be careful with too much use though since lemon juice makes the skin sensitive to light.
Apply some sunscreen to be on the safe side.
Tomatoes Like other fruits, tomatoes are full of essential vitamins and minerals needed by the body.
Specifically, it contains vitamin A and antioxidants which helps in repairing damaged skin.
To take advantage of this, simply slice up a tomato and place these over the problem area.
Do this regularly and you will have a treatment for acne scar removal at home.
Ice Cubes Besides providing a refreshing drink, ice cubes also help in reducing acne.
What it does is reduce the pore size which makes the scar appear lighter and less noticeable.
Rubbing ice against the affected area soothes your skin as well.
It works fast and it works well.
Natural Face Mask Certain foods are great for making a face mask for acne scar removal at home.
This is usually left on overnight and peeled off in the morning.
Making one of these is easy and all you need is your kitchen and a few ingredients.
A tablespoon each of sour cream, yogurt and oatmeal and a few drops of lemon juice should do the trick.
Baking Soda You may not know this but baking soda is actually used by some professionals to treat acne scars.
It is a good thing to know since this is readily available from your local grocery store.
You can try this treatment yourself by mixing a teaspoon of baking soda with water.
Rub this mixture over your acne for about a minute and rinse.
There are many other foods that are used for acne scar removal at home.
Like other treatments though, consistency is the key towards better results.
These remedies take place over a few weeks and it is up to you to make it work.
On the other hand, not everyone can be prescribed with this kind of medicine.
The good news is that there are certain foods you can eat for acne scar removal at home and here are some of them.
Lemons When life gives you lemons, you can use them to treat your acne.
The natural ingredients found in lemon also works great for acne scars.
Just a dab of lemon juice applied over the problem area is enough to see results.
You will have to be careful with too much use though since lemon juice makes the skin sensitive to light.
Apply some sunscreen to be on the safe side.
Tomatoes Like other fruits, tomatoes are full of essential vitamins and minerals needed by the body.
Specifically, it contains vitamin A and antioxidants which helps in repairing damaged skin.
To take advantage of this, simply slice up a tomato and place these over the problem area.
Do this regularly and you will have a treatment for acne scar removal at home.
Ice Cubes Besides providing a refreshing drink, ice cubes also help in reducing acne.
What it does is reduce the pore size which makes the scar appear lighter and less noticeable.
Rubbing ice against the affected area soothes your skin as well.
It works fast and it works well.
Natural Face Mask Certain foods are great for making a face mask for acne scar removal at home.
This is usually left on overnight and peeled off in the morning.
Making one of these is easy and all you need is your kitchen and a few ingredients.
A tablespoon each of sour cream, yogurt and oatmeal and a few drops of lemon juice should do the trick.
Baking Soda You may not know this but baking soda is actually used by some professionals to treat acne scars.
It is a good thing to know since this is readily available from your local grocery store.
You can try this treatment yourself by mixing a teaspoon of baking soda with water.
Rub this mixture over your acne for about a minute and rinse.
There are many other foods that are used for acne scar removal at home.
Like other treatments though, consistency is the key towards better results.
These remedies take place over a few weeks and it is up to you to make it work.