Preferred Stock Vs. Capital Stock
- Capital stock is both the preferred and common shares issued by a company, according to their corporate charter.
- Preferred stock shareholders are a higher class of ownership who have primary access to a company's assets and earnings in the event of a bankruptcy. Preferred stock has a fixed dividend and is paid before common shareholders and other debt holders. However, preferred shareholders do not have voting rights within the company.
- Common stock shareholders are lower in the ownership ladder, but they exercise control by voting for corporate policy and board members. Common stock dividends can fluctuate, and are paid after preferred shareholders.
- Consider owning a mix of preferred and common shares. An investor can have the safety of a preferred share as they are subject to low volatility, and provide a consistent dividend, and by owning common stock, he can also have voting rights.
- Please consult your financial adviser.
Capital Stock
Preferred Stock
Common Stock