A Tragic Accident
They were going to a local Tom Thumb.
They were walking in the grass as there are no sidewalks for them to safely travel.
My friend's son and two others were walking in front, and three others were trailing behind.
Two males on either side of the two girls, who were sisters.
A SUV driven by an 18 year old came down the road and wanted to pass the car in front of him.
When the other car did not get out of his way, the eighteen year old shut his lights and tried to pass on the right.
That is where the six of them were walking.
The driver struck and killed two teenagers, and the third was helicoptered to the nearest hospital where he remains in critical condition.
My friends son and the other two were not injured.
They only became aware of the accident as the bodies of the sister and another friend flew past them, then they saw the SUV speed past, back on the road again.
My friends son ran to the injured.
The seventeen year old girl's mangled body lie there - she died in his arms.
The other fatality was already dead when the others reached him.
I am writing this because how many other pedestrians have to die because there are no sidewalks for them to travel on? D.
is responsible for buiding all roads, why can they not include sidewalks in their plans? Is not the extra few dollars it would cost to construct sidewalks as they widen roadways worth it to save lives? My friend is organizing a march in Escambia County to demand an end to these tragedies.
Anyone living in Pensacola, or Escambia County is welcome to join.
The local newspapers and television stations will have all the information.
For everyone reading this who has known, or known of, a pedestrian or bicyclist killed because of lack of sidewalks, please get in touch with D.
and demand they include sidewalks in their expansion plans.
If enough of us raise our voices, we will be able to prevent further fatalities from happening.