How to Prevent Losing Your Hair For Successful Hair Growth
If you want your hair to really grow back, then you're going to have to make some changes.
Some of these you'll find easy to do, others you'll probably have to work a little harder on.
But the good news is that you don't have to settle with hair loss unless you want to.
So let's examine how you can start actually seeing real results using natural formulas, and not the useless commercial stuff you see floating around.
Prevent Hair Loss With An Herb First of all you can make your hair loss come to an end by focusing on the use of two herbs.
If you're a male then saw palmetto is going to be your best friend.
If you're a woman then you need to focus on green tea.
Both of these herbs are going to help you get control of your hair loss problem with ease.
Since saw palmetto is mentioned as being of help to men, let's look at it first.
Saw palmetto curbs and blocks the production of the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT) from binding to your hair follicle cells.
Just in case you didn't know it, DHT is formed from a depletion of testosterone levels in men.
Any time you work out you're building up testosterone and when you stop it depletes from your body.
Well DHT also can buildup after this.
Don't stop working out just because of this though.
Often times DHT doesn't occur in high levels from just exercise.
However you should make sure that you're taking at least 1,200 mg of saw palmetto daily to block it.
If you've ever taken any hair loss herbal supplements, then I'm sure you've seen this herb listed.
Women on the other hand can't take saw palmetto, so green tea should be their choice.
Drinking four cups of it daily will effectively help them to prevent losing their hair as well.
At the same time green tea contains compounds called catechins that work to promote hair growth.
Some of these you'll find easy to do, others you'll probably have to work a little harder on.
But the good news is that you don't have to settle with hair loss unless you want to.
So let's examine how you can start actually seeing real results using natural formulas, and not the useless commercial stuff you see floating around.
Prevent Hair Loss With An Herb First of all you can make your hair loss come to an end by focusing on the use of two herbs.
If you're a male then saw palmetto is going to be your best friend.
If you're a woman then you need to focus on green tea.
Both of these herbs are going to help you get control of your hair loss problem with ease.
Since saw palmetto is mentioned as being of help to men, let's look at it first.
Saw palmetto curbs and blocks the production of the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT) from binding to your hair follicle cells.
Just in case you didn't know it, DHT is formed from a depletion of testosterone levels in men.
Any time you work out you're building up testosterone and when you stop it depletes from your body.
Well DHT also can buildup after this.
Don't stop working out just because of this though.
Often times DHT doesn't occur in high levels from just exercise.
However you should make sure that you're taking at least 1,200 mg of saw palmetto daily to block it.
If you've ever taken any hair loss herbal supplements, then I'm sure you've seen this herb listed.
Women on the other hand can't take saw palmetto, so green tea should be their choice.
Drinking four cups of it daily will effectively help them to prevent losing their hair as well.
At the same time green tea contains compounds called catechins that work to promote hair growth.