Toning Your Stomach Fast!
Here's how to go about toning your stomach fast. Know this... what you're currently doing (if anything) is hopelessly outdated. You're wasting too much time for too little results. It's time to get on board with the BELLY FLATTENING EXPRESS... toot toot!
Toning your Stomach
1. Your cardio needs to cause a big oxygen deficit
Basically, what this means is that if you can talk in a normal manner while doing your cardio, you're getting very little benefit from the exercise. Why? Because you're not creating a big oxygen deficit. It kinda goes back to the words 'you get what you put in'.
If you are not putting in much of an effort and not working out intense enough, the benefits of any cardio exercise will be limited to weight maintenance and not weight loss.
The reasoning as to why you need to cause a big oxygen deficit within your body while exercising (in order to cause weight loss) is because oxygen is used by the body as a sort of catalyst for fat burning. So in effect, the more oxygen you get inside of you, the better your weight loss progress should be. Deep breathing alone would help with weight loss.
2. Exercises that cause a big oxygen deficit
Actually, just about any exercise can do this for you. It revolves more around the level of effort you put into the exercise. So for example... slow jogging wouldn't be as good as sprinting on a second by second comparison.
The best way to cause a massive oxygen deficit that ellicits fat loss in your body is to do HIIT. That is short for high intensity interval training. This allows the average person to workout intensely without it being too hard on them.
You alternate between an intense effort at say around 90% of your full effort and you follow it by going at a less intense effort of say 20-25% full effort.
An example would be walking and running. Run hard at 90% for 10 seconds and follow that up by walking for 30 seconds. Keep repeating that scenario until you've done at least 15 minutes of it. Only about 3 of the 15 minutes will be hard, but this way is better for fat loss than simply jogging at the same moderate speed the whole 15 minutes due once again to... TADAA... the big oxygen deficit the running put you in.
How this all relates to toning your stomach fast is that you need to burn off fat to get visible definition in your waist area.
Toning your Stomach
1. Your cardio needs to cause a big oxygen deficit
Basically, what this means is that if you can talk in a normal manner while doing your cardio, you're getting very little benefit from the exercise. Why? Because you're not creating a big oxygen deficit. It kinda goes back to the words 'you get what you put in'.
If you are not putting in much of an effort and not working out intense enough, the benefits of any cardio exercise will be limited to weight maintenance and not weight loss.
The reasoning as to why you need to cause a big oxygen deficit within your body while exercising (in order to cause weight loss) is because oxygen is used by the body as a sort of catalyst for fat burning. So in effect, the more oxygen you get inside of you, the better your weight loss progress should be. Deep breathing alone would help with weight loss.
2. Exercises that cause a big oxygen deficit
Actually, just about any exercise can do this for you. It revolves more around the level of effort you put into the exercise. So for example... slow jogging wouldn't be as good as sprinting on a second by second comparison.
The best way to cause a massive oxygen deficit that ellicits fat loss in your body is to do HIIT. That is short for high intensity interval training. This allows the average person to workout intensely without it being too hard on them.
You alternate between an intense effort at say around 90% of your full effort and you follow it by going at a less intense effort of say 20-25% full effort.
An example would be walking and running. Run hard at 90% for 10 seconds and follow that up by walking for 30 seconds. Keep repeating that scenario until you've done at least 15 minutes of it. Only about 3 of the 15 minutes will be hard, but this way is better for fat loss than simply jogging at the same moderate speed the whole 15 minutes due once again to... TADAA... the big oxygen deficit the running put you in.
How this all relates to toning your stomach fast is that you need to burn off fat to get visible definition in your waist area.