How to Chlorinate Above-Ground Pools
- 1). Use a water test kit to measure the chemical levels in your above-ground pool. The kit will measure free chlorine and total chlorine, as well as the pH and total alkalinity of your pool water.
- 2). Check the alkalinity level of the pool. If it's less than 80 parts per million (ppm), add alkalinity increaser in small increments until the level rises to between 80 and 120 ppm. Spread the increaser across the pool, and make sure that the pump is running so that it can distribute the increaser evenly.
- 3). Use the test kit to check the chemical levels of your pool again. This is important, because the alkalinity increaser will cause the pH level to change. The ideal pH for your above-ground pool is between 7.2 and 7.6. You can raise and lower the levels with products made for swimming pools that adjust pH.
- 4). Put the recommended number of chlorine tablets into your pool's skimmer basket. The amount you need to add depends on the type of chlorine you're using, so check the instructions that come with the tablets. Allow approximately 8 hours for the chlorine to evenly distribute throughout the pool, then test the water again. The free chlorine level should be between 1.5 and 3 ppm.
- 5). Shock your pool with a chlorine shock treatment once a week. This treatment corrects problems like chlorine odor, eye irritation and cloudy water. You might need to shock your pool more often if you use it frequently or are experiencing periods of hot weather.