Network Marketing Tip - Long Term Residual Work Vs Short Term Gain
Nobody is watching over my shoulder helping me make the decision and this morning I convinced myself that I was going to read my book as opposed to write.
I convinced myself that I have been working hard and deserve a little break.
I quickly decided otherwise and began to write and here our a few tips for you if you ever get in the same situation.
Do Best Case and Worst Case Scenario Analysis - If I write this article, the worst thing that could happen is that I do not meet any new people.
The best thing that could happen is that this article could be the breakout article on Ezine and I meet hundred of new people as a result.
If I read, the worst-case outcome is I will feel guilty and lose my writing momentum and the best-case outcome is that I will enjoy 40 minutes of my life a little more.
When I do the cost benefit analysis in my head, there is no comparison.
Give yourself a gift for doing what you want to do - Since I am writing this morning, I am going to let myself read on the train home.
Now, I have something to look forward to this evening as opposes to just relating to it like just another normal train ride home.
Just Get Started - Every time I just get started with something, all of the anxiety and the fear quickly go away and I forget about the struggle that I was going through.
Allow yourself to make mistakes -You are not perfect and many times you will not do what you said you were going to do.
If this is the case, do not punish yourself and know that your mentors probably made the same mistake.
The bottom line is the key is to keep taking consistent action so that you can live a life where you can do whatever you want.