Lysa"s Labor Continues
Updated March 05, 2015.
I felt bad because it could be weeks till I went into labor and I didn't want her to have to stay here that long if not necessary. My husband had to leave at 7:00pm because it takes a while to get to the airport and her flight was getting in at 11:00pm. I really didn't want him to leave me but I knew he had to. When they arrived at the house at 12:00am I was at the door ready to go to the hospital.
I was finally gonna have these babies. When I reached the hospital I was every 2 minutes, 60seconds long and 5 centimeters. I told the midwife and the ob the whole pregnancy I wanted to go natural. (to me natural meant vbac no c/s) They took to mean no drugs, no epidural nothing. So as the contractions started getting worse and worse I was begging for something to help with pain. Of course thinking I would regret it later they said no. I was in so much pain. The hypnosis worked but I was not paying attention, by then I was to tired and wanted an epidural. You don't contract the same with twins as you do with one baby. You have two sacs and the contraction doesn't start in the back and come forward, you contract all over in different degrees of pressure. And in my case both heads were fighting to come out first so there wasn't steady pressure on the cervix. I went from 4 to 10 in the matter of a couple hours. By then I thought I couldn't go any further and they checked my cervix, I was 10 and complete.
Yea!, time to push, I had had a epi with all the other babies and I had never felt the pain in your back as the baby comes around the turn, I thought I was going to die. Well, they still said no epi, it is time to push. I had a hard time pushing because my legs were so swollen and sore from the toxemia (+4). It was hard to pull my legs up. Well, I pushed and pushed and every time the baby was about to come out he went back up. They determined that every time I pushed Baby A, Baby B was pulling him back in. So I pushed for hours and I finally said," I want an epidural""now!" and the midwife said," no way you cant have one now the baby is coming out." I said" then I wont push," the midwife said "your body will make you push." By now my cervix was so swollen and I was so tired I screamed thru 4 contractions and the midwife agreed to let me have an epidural. I got my epidural and it was heaven. I actually went to sleep for a couple hours. It was 10:00am by now and I awoke to find my husband, doula, midwife and nurse asleep in the chairs. I proclaimed " I am ready to push now!" They all awoke and started scattering. I then had a vacuum inserted to help hold the Baby's head there while I pushed. Baby A came out one push later, A boy named Christian, 7lb 8oz. One minute later Baby B came out in a splash, water bag and all. His name is Landon, 5lb 10 oz. We think he just didn't want to be left there all alone. I said "I was suppose to have a boy and a girl, as every sonogram had shown." Well my husband was grinning ear to ear, now he wasn't so outnumbered. We are so grateful to have such a wonderful delivery and a very patient doctor and midwife. So many people said you cant have twins after 2 c-section, but I proved I could and they were really big for twins. I also carried them till one day before my due date with no complications. It felt so good to get up and take care of my babies instead of healing from surgery. I honestly believe if I didn't get that epidural and rest I wouldn't have had the outcome I had. So anyone who really wants to have a vbac delivery the first step is a confident doctor and a lot of knowledge on your part. Hope you enjoyed my birth story.Lysa
I felt bad because it could be weeks till I went into labor and I didn't want her to have to stay here that long if not necessary. My husband had to leave at 7:00pm because it takes a while to get to the airport and her flight was getting in at 11:00pm. I really didn't want him to leave me but I knew he had to. When they arrived at the house at 12:00am I was at the door ready to go to the hospital.
I was finally gonna have these babies. When I reached the hospital I was every 2 minutes, 60seconds long and 5 centimeters. I told the midwife and the ob the whole pregnancy I wanted to go natural. (to me natural meant vbac no c/s) They took to mean no drugs, no epidural nothing. So as the contractions started getting worse and worse I was begging for something to help with pain. Of course thinking I would regret it later they said no. I was in so much pain. The hypnosis worked but I was not paying attention, by then I was to tired and wanted an epidural. You don't contract the same with twins as you do with one baby. You have two sacs and the contraction doesn't start in the back and come forward, you contract all over in different degrees of pressure. And in my case both heads were fighting to come out first so there wasn't steady pressure on the cervix. I went from 4 to 10 in the matter of a couple hours. By then I thought I couldn't go any further and they checked my cervix, I was 10 and complete.
Yea!, time to push, I had had a epi with all the other babies and I had never felt the pain in your back as the baby comes around the turn, I thought I was going to die. Well, they still said no epi, it is time to push. I had a hard time pushing because my legs were so swollen and sore from the toxemia (+4). It was hard to pull my legs up. Well, I pushed and pushed and every time the baby was about to come out he went back up. They determined that every time I pushed Baby A, Baby B was pulling him back in. So I pushed for hours and I finally said," I want an epidural""now!" and the midwife said," no way you cant have one now the baby is coming out." I said" then I wont push," the midwife said "your body will make you push." By now my cervix was so swollen and I was so tired I screamed thru 4 contractions and the midwife agreed to let me have an epidural. I got my epidural and it was heaven. I actually went to sleep for a couple hours. It was 10:00am by now and I awoke to find my husband, doula, midwife and nurse asleep in the chairs. I proclaimed " I am ready to push now!" They all awoke and started scattering. I then had a vacuum inserted to help hold the Baby's head there while I pushed. Baby A came out one push later, A boy named Christian, 7lb 8oz. One minute later Baby B came out in a splash, water bag and all. His name is Landon, 5lb 10 oz. We think he just didn't want to be left there all alone. I said "I was suppose to have a boy and a girl, as every sonogram had shown." Well my husband was grinning ear to ear, now he wasn't so outnumbered. We are so grateful to have such a wonderful delivery and a very patient doctor and midwife. So many people said you cant have twins after 2 c-section, but I proved I could and they were really big for twins. I also carried them till one day before my due date with no complications. It felt so good to get up and take care of my babies instead of healing from surgery. I honestly believe if I didn't get that epidural and rest I wouldn't have had the outcome I had. So anyone who really wants to have a vbac delivery the first step is a confident doctor and a lot of knowledge on your part. Hope you enjoyed my birth story.Lysa