Type 2 Diabetes - Smoking, Belly Fat and Diabetes!

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Smoking tobacco, with all the health problems associated with it, is sometimes used as an unhealthy but effective means of weight control.
Smoking releases adrenalin which helps smokers to burn calories, although it is an extremely bad way to lose weight.
Now, according to research published in the Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health, smoking tobacco cannot be even partially justified for weight loss in diabetes, because it is associated with belly fat, the worst kind of fat for developing and even maintaining Type 2 diabetes.
Fat between organs in your belly or abdominal area, is involved with handling fat and sugar metabolism, and too much of it can mean high levels of blood sugar.
Waist size again and again has been associated with Type 2 diabetes.
Researchers at the University of Seoul and Yonsei University in Seoul, Korea, looked at smoking and belly fat in 2197 people who had been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes.
Although there was no correlation between smoking and body mass index, waist size and belly fat were greatest in the heaviest smokers.
From this information, it was concluded smoking was associated with belly fat in Type 2 diabetic patients.
Now that smoking tobacco has been associated with the worst kind of fat in at least one study, there is no reason to claim it as a weight loss tool.
If you do not smoke, do not try it.
If you are addicted to nicotine, there is hope.
Ask your doctor about nicotine patches to end cravings or Wellbutrin to help you deal with them.
Chantix, or verenicline, is another weapon in the battle against nicotine addiction.
According to its maker, Pfizer, the drug works by inhibiting nicotine receptors on the brain.
In a study of 1022 smokers, 44 per cent of the participants were able to quit smoking between weeks 9 and 12 of using Chantix, compared to only 18 per cent of smokers given a placebo pill.
Nicotine, addictive as it is, is not the only addictive thing about smoking.
Miners in Chile who were given nicotine patches still insisted upon cigarettes.
If you are addicted to sucking on a cigarette, try sucking a straw to take in water or lemonade made with stevia.
Hypnosis is effective to help stop smoking in some people.
Hypnosis is an altered state in which the person undergoing hypnosis appears to be unconscious but they are still aware of their surroundings.
Being highly relaxed they are able to concentrate upon suggestions such as smoking cessation.
Ideas often communicated from the hypnotist to the patient include:
  • the fact that smoking poisons your body,
  • the need for your body to live, and
  • the need to respect and protect your body for you to be able to live.
Here's to a body free of nicotine, low on belly fat, and in control of its blood sugar levels.
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