Normal Vision & Glaucoma

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Normal Vision & Glaucoma

The transparent part of an eye located in front is known as cornea. An extra layer called the conjunctiva also covers the front part of the eye. The back of the eye is called retina. The retina changes light signals into electric signals. These electric signals are sent through the optic nerve to the brain, which translates these signals into the image we see.

The eye has the anterior chamber and a back or posterior chamber. A clear fluid called aqueous humor collects in the anterior chamber of your eye. The fluid then gets drained through a spongy meshwork in an area called the 'angle'.

If the fluid does not get drained on regular basis, it builds up in the anterior chamber. When the fluid builds up, tension and pressure inside the eye increase.

This increase in pressure causes damage to the eye and the optic nerve resulting in the condition called glaucoma, which if left untreated can lead to blindness.

Chronic angle closure glaucoma

The term, chronic angle closure glaucoma, refers to an eye
With a high intraocular eye pressure. The anterior chamber is narrow and closed in places by adhesions so that the iris cannot free itself. This could be a result of previous intraocular inflammation. Eye medication to reduce the intraocular eye pressure can be given and, if this is not sufficient, then laser surgery called iridotomy is performed.

According to the World Health Organization in May 2009 more than 314 million people worldwide were visually impaired out of this 45 million were blind and 85% people had low vision & avoidable blindness, childhood blindness remains a significant problem, with an estimated 12 million blind children below age 15.

The Paediatric Ophthalmology Department at aastha hospital deals with eye problems in children. Adult patients suffering from squint and double vision are also examined and treated effectively.

Children may not complain if they do not see out of one or both eyes. Sometimes the only clue may be poor performance in School, as well viewing the blackboard at a very close distance. Hence all children need an eye exam at the time of starting Schooling.

Of the eye problems in children, the most important are refractive errors, squint and amblyopiaRefractive error or the need for glasses is the single most important cause of vision impairment in children. This may lead to permanent deficiency in vision if not detected and treated early.

Squint, also known as cross eyes, is the condition where the eyes do not work together. Treatment includes glasses, eye exercises or eye muscle surgeryLazy eye or amblyopia is the term for poor vision in one or both eyes. It can result from refractive error, squint or several other causes. This needs to be identified and treated at an early age to recover vision.

Infants born prematurely are at risk for developing Retinopathy of pre-maturity (ROP) which may lead to permanent blindness. Early diagnosis & treatment is key to success.

Cataract (opacification of the lens) can occur in children. This may be present since birth or result from injury. The treatment involves surgical procedures but very often treatment of lazy eye.

There are several causes of double vision and squint in adults as well. These are managed by exercise, special glasses, and eye muscle surgery when required

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