How to Build a 6-foot Wood Privacy Fence
- 1). Plant stakes along the outer edge of your property at intervals equal to the width of the fence panels with the aid of a measuring wheel and a hammer.
- 2). Divide the height of the typical post that came with your privacy fence kit by three to determine how deep the post holes must be. The standard depth for post holes is one-third the height of the post. A fence with 6-foot tall panels means a post at least 9 feet tall, so the post depth should be at least 36 inches.
- 3). Inspect your posts visually to look for posts that are too short. Even in a prefabricated kit, the posts won't be exactly uniform. If a post is just a few inches short, set it aside so you know to dig a slightly shallower hole for that post. Any post that is shorter than that must be rejected.
- 4). Dig out cylindrical pits for the posts with a shovel and post hole digger, using the measurement from Step 2.
- 5). Set the first post into a post hole, strap a post level (a level specifically designed for use with fence posts) to the post, and move the post into a position where it will be vertically straight. If necessary, pull the post out and add dirt to even out the bottom of the hole. Once the post is straight, fill in the hole with dirt and compact that dirt with an iron tamping rod. Repeat for all fence posts.
- 6). Lay out two or three bricks or blocks between the first two fence posts and move the 6-foot panel into position, setting it on the bricks. The ends of the panel's horizontal rails should rest against the vertical centerline of the fence posts. Set a carpenter's level on top or bottom rail of the panel, and adjust the bricks/blocks until the panel is level.
- 7). Fasten the panel to the posts by hammering in a pair of galvanized 2-inch nails for each rail end, for a total of eight nails per panel. Repeat steps 6 and 7 for each panel.
- 8). Cut off the tops of any fence post that is taller than the norm with a recipocating saw, to create a uniform appearance.