The Alarming Rate of Drinking and Driving Facts That Will Make You Cringe
In 2008, there were 1,459 occurrences in the state of Georgia, with 416 of those fatalities being alcohol impaired related fatalities.
There are 159 counties in the state of Georgia.
Of those 159 counties, Fulton, Gwinnett, DeKalb, and Cobb counties experienced the highest number of alcohol fatalities.
Below are the 2008 statistics involving Metro Atlanta counties where driving under the influence ("DUI") was a factor.
Clayton County In Clayton County, 32 traffic death occurred.
Ten of those fatalities were attributed to alcohol related occurrence.
Cobb County Of the 69 drinking related death that occurred in Cobb County, 18 included alcohol related.
Dekalb County Dekalb County had 59 traffic deaths in 2008.
Of those 59 traffic fatalities, 19 of those fatalities were due to alcohol.
Fulton County In Fulton County, 115 traffic related deaths occurred in 2008.
Of those 115 traffic fatalities, 30 were due to alcohol fatalities.
Gwinnett County Gwinnett County had 51 traffic related fatalities occurring in 2008.
Almost half of those fatalities, 24 to be exact, were due to alcohol related fatalities.
Statewide Alcohol Impaired Driving Facts - During the last 15 years, between 1994 and 2008, 406.
5 alcohol related traffic accidents occurred per year, representing on average 25.
8% of all roadway traffic fatalities a year.
- Between 1994 and 2008, the lowest percentage of alcohol related fatalities occurred in 2003, representing 22% of all alcohol centric traffic fatalities with a total of 355 deaths.
- In 2008, the amount of alcohol related traffic fatalities in Georgia increased to 28% representing 416 alcohol impaired related traffic fatalities.
It should be noted that the last increase occurred in the year 2000, with the occurrence of 434 alcohol-centric traffic fatalities.
- In 2008, a total of 1,021 drivers were killed in Georgia.
Of those 1,021 drivers killed, 207 of those drivers had a blood alcohol concentration of.
08 or higher.
- Of the 1,021 Georgia drivers killed in 2008, 43% or 439 of these drivers weren't even tested for alcohol consumption.
Therefore, it is possible that the number of drivers killed in alcohol related traffic fatalities may be higher.
In Georgia, drivers are considered alcohol-impaired when their blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is 0.
08 grams per deciliter (g/dL) or higher.
Therefore, any fatality occurring in a crash involving a driver with a BAC of.
08 or higher is considered to be an alcohol-impaired-driving fatality.