Balancing Your Work With Your Personal Life

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Work-life balance is so important that aspects of it have actually been legislated.
For example, there are legal parameters to what is considered a "work week," and many companies are required to compensate for hours worked beyond the legal limit.
Unfortunately, there are loopholes that allow many employers to demand more than 40 hours per week from salaried employees-a situation that occurs very frequently in both blue and white collar jobs.
Another example is the Family and Medical Leave Act, which allows employees to take up to twelve weeks of unpaid leave for family emergencies without fear of losing their job.
There are criteria that must be fulfilled before an employee is considered to be eligible for the FMLA, however, and not all employees know enough to demand their rights regarding this legislation.
The United States generally trails other wealthy countries in the amount and types of family-oriented support it offers employees.
This means that U.
Americans who are concerned with work-life balance may have to take measures to ensure it for themselves.
There are a number of steps one can take to improve the balance, and every situation is different.
Consider the following, along with the other suggestions made throughout this report, in order to come up with a plan that will get you on the right path.
One way to help manage your time more effectively is to simplify.
This word means several different things.
In some cases, it may mean that you delegate some of your responsibilities to others, thus simplifying your own schedule.
In other cases, it may mean physically removing material items from your possession.
When you do a thorough examination of your life, you might discover that some of the things that are causing you the most stress are very ones that you don't need to keep.
For example, we mentioned earlier that perhaps it might be time to consider getting an assistant at work.
He or she can take on some of the more "urgent" tasks that are slowing you down and keeping you from getting to the "important" ones.
The interesting thing about this kind of situation is that most people and businesses consider adding an assistant to the payroll as an additional cost, which should therefore be avoided if at all possible.
However, time and time again, evidence has shown that an assistant rarely affects the bottom line.
At the end of the day, the increased productivity, higher rates of satisfaction, and ability to concentrate more fully on the task at hand actually end up contributing to an organization's profits.
This policy can follow you home from the office, as well.
If you are currently doing all of the yard work, consider delegating some of the tasks to others in the family.
In addition to letting go of the responsibility, however, you may also have to let go of the idea that things can only be done your way.
If the lawn is mowed, does it really matter if it's in a vertical or a horizontal pattern? This idea can even be extended to the point of hiring someone to come in and do a few of the tasks you least enjoy.
If you can afford to hire someone to mop the floors, for example, then you are getting rid of one of your least favourite tasks while simultaneously adding time to your schedule that can be spent with your family.
The idea of simplifying could also be applied to technology.
While the original intention for email, cell phones, and the like was to make things more convenient, in many cases, they've done just the opposite.
We are always available when others want our attention, and this eats up an enormous amount of time that should have been devoted to other things.
Many people find that enforcing a strict "no technology" rule during certain hours of the day is a great way to spend more time doing the things that matter, interruption-free.
Over time, it can even become habit, which means that what once was an inconvenient rule is actually just another part of the way you live your life.
Finally, you can simplify by getting rid of some of the clutter in your life.
If your house is full of things you don't need-or worse yet, things you don't even like-then spending some time to clear those things out can make a big difference.
Get your family involved, and explain that you're all working together to create a better home life.
Not only will you feel better, but you will literally create time that can be spent in more enjoyable ways, as you won't need to be picking up, dusting, or hiding things that you don't really even want in your house to begin with.
Another important method to use in managing your time is to stop procrastinating.
Procrastination gets nearly everyone into trouble from time to time.
It's so easy to put off things that we dislike or are afraid to do.
Unfortunately, when we procrastinate, we end up putting far more thought and worry into the outcome than was ever necessary.
One way around this is to round up several activities you've been procrastinating, and devote a set period of time to get them done all at once (or even delegate them to someone else).
Oftentimes you will find that some of the things you've been putting off for weeks will really only take fifteen minutes once you've started.
In two hours, you could knock eight items off of your to-do list! In addition to having them done, you'll also be able to stop wasting mental energy worrying about them.
This step should be taken both at home and at work, and the result will be a better sense of self worth, as well as additional time to devote to things that are more enjoyable.
Did You Know? You can help balance your work life and your personal life by:
  • Protecting your family and personal time fiercely
  • Dropping activities you don't enjoy or that are unnecessary
  • Adding relaxing activities right into your daily or weekly schedule
  • Letting others help you when it is appropriate
  • Making "chores" fun by doing them together and making a game of it
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