So You Want To Be A Day Trader?
Day traders deal with stocks and options trades on day to day basis with the primary objective of making quick money on short term trades.
Day traders are short term buyers and sellers who keep a close watch on the price movements of the market.
There are estimates that about 2,500,000 people operate from home.
Day traders generally close out all of their transactions at the end of the trading day in order to minimize their risks for the next day.
No one knows for sure how the market will open the next morning and what events that will happen overnight that will impact the opening price.
This is one method of managing risks when the stock market shuts down for the day.
With large market fluctuations they may even close out their position within minutes of buying and thus making a quick profit.
It is difficult to know whether the average day trader makes any money at the end of the day.
Nobody really publicly announces his true wins and losses and there is no reliable statistics concerning the number of day traders operating in the market.
Most people only tell you about their wins and conveniently forget about their losses.
Most studies note that the vast majority of day traders lose money in the stock market.
However, there are numerous successful day traders that make a very comfortable living trading the market.
The newcomers to the stock market are more likely to lose money than make it.
Think of it as paying tuition to the school of hard knocks.
If you survive long enough, you can start to make a living trading.
The vast majority of day traders operate from home.
With the internet and online brokers, it is easy to set up an account and start trading.
Statistics point out that the majority of day traders who operate from home tend to lose money.
Making money by day trading has nothing to do with intelligence; many very smart people lose lots of money trading online.
No matter how much you study the trends and the various financial reports, it is difficult to predict the future in the market.
There are so many unforeseen factors which influence the value of stock that no one can accurately predict its future swing.