Sports Bars and Gel Bars, Are They the Same?
Experienced bike riders like to consume sports drinks. But they also know the importance of another energy replacement technique, the sports bar. Drinking lots of water is important to keep yourself hydrated.
But so is the case of replenishing your energy, especially during rides that are more than 2 hours long. You will find that these sports bars are commonly sold in convenience stores and supermarkets nearby. They are widely available commercially at reasonable prices. You can even find them to be sold at bicycle stores.
You could easily restore your body's energy by eating one of these sports bars. Inside the ingredients, sports bars have both the simple and complex carbohydrates that are needed to produce glycogen.
Glycogen is the essential element needed by our muscles. Glycogen is the equivalent of energy. You might call sports bars processed or synthetic food, but they are widely used by professional cyclists in the world. The number one benefit is that they are readily absorbed by the intestine, if compared to eating a whole food like bananas or sandwich.
Snack or sports bars also have other nutritional values like fat, protein and various vitamins and minerals. These are all packed in one small rectangle bar. The calories amount from 200 up to 400 for these sports bars.
Some of them are even known to contain sodium and potassium. These two minerals are essential for preventing lactic acid from accumulating in your leg muscles. Your oxygen consumption ability is decreased if you have lots of lactic acid in your body, primarily the working muscles.
The alternative to sports bars is the sports gel. But it has the same price tag too. It comes in the form of a smaller package. To eat it, simple squeeze the contents into your mouth and swallow it. The benefit is that you do not need to munch or chew when consuming it. But the downside of the gel bars is that they have much less calories than the standard sports bar. But they are much small and very convenient to eat.
In conclusion, you will want to think about weight when bringing energy replenishment for rationing. You have to think about the weight when cycling. This is where sports bars and gel bars come in handy. They are also much easier to eat if compared to whole, natural food and is more readily absorbed by the body. You can get good tastes from these bars too.
But so is the case of replenishing your energy, especially during rides that are more than 2 hours long. You will find that these sports bars are commonly sold in convenience stores and supermarkets nearby. They are widely available commercially at reasonable prices. You can even find them to be sold at bicycle stores.
You could easily restore your body's energy by eating one of these sports bars. Inside the ingredients, sports bars have both the simple and complex carbohydrates that are needed to produce glycogen.
Glycogen is the essential element needed by our muscles. Glycogen is the equivalent of energy. You might call sports bars processed or synthetic food, but they are widely used by professional cyclists in the world. The number one benefit is that they are readily absorbed by the intestine, if compared to eating a whole food like bananas or sandwich.
Snack or sports bars also have other nutritional values like fat, protein and various vitamins and minerals. These are all packed in one small rectangle bar. The calories amount from 200 up to 400 for these sports bars.
Some of them are even known to contain sodium and potassium. These two minerals are essential for preventing lactic acid from accumulating in your leg muscles. Your oxygen consumption ability is decreased if you have lots of lactic acid in your body, primarily the working muscles.
The alternative to sports bars is the sports gel. But it has the same price tag too. It comes in the form of a smaller package. To eat it, simple squeeze the contents into your mouth and swallow it. The benefit is that you do not need to munch or chew when consuming it. But the downside of the gel bars is that they have much less calories than the standard sports bar. But they are much small and very convenient to eat.
In conclusion, you will want to think about weight when bringing energy replenishment for rationing. You have to think about the weight when cycling. This is where sports bars and gel bars come in handy. They are also much easier to eat if compared to whole, natural food and is more readily absorbed by the body. You can get good tastes from these bars too.