The Importance Of Compression Stockings After A Surgery
As it is in any surgery, post operative care is extremely crucial. If you have undergone a cosmetic surgery, and especially a vein surgery then graduated compression stocking, and other compression garments can help accelerate your recovery.
Compression therapy involves the use of compression garments made out of elastic fibres or rubber. Graduated compression stocking, for example, encourages the flow of venous blood in the leg, by compressing the limb and regulating blood circulation.
For compression stockings, maximum compression is offered at the ankle and the pressure decreases as the garment moves further up on the leg. Available in an array of colours, styles, sizes and opacities, the skin tone stockings are most popular amongst women and men usually prefer it in black. The best part about a graduated compression stocking is that they look like regular hosiery, and dont give away that you are wearing this for medical purpose.
While compressions stockings can make a real difference post-surgery, doctors even suggest compression stockings as the best solution to prevent vein disease, especially for those who suffer from poor blood flow. Apart from all this, compression garments help in healing of burns after a surgery, offer vein support, soft tissue support after a liposuction, and help in the prevention of cellulite.
However, it is advisable that you consult your doctor before you wear compression stockings, as they come in different intensities of graduated compression. Your doctor can prescribe as per your needs. However, basic support stockings can be taken on long journeys or at work without any prescriptions.