What Are the Causes of Premature Birth?
- Infection increases the likelihood of premature birth. STD's, vaginal infections and urinary tract infections can lead to preterm labor and premature birth.
- According to the March of Dimes website, women over the age of 35 and those under the age of 17 are more likely to deliver prematurely. The leading cause of preterm birth in these cases is due to chromosomal abnormalities.
- Women who smoke, drink and use illegal drugs put themselves at a higher risk for premature labor and birth. Other contributing factors include high stress levels, remaining in an abusive relationship and failing to receive prenatal care.
- According to the National Institute of Health, kidney disease, diabetes, heart disease, infection, poor nutrition and pre-eclampsia are some of the health conditions that can contribute to premature birth.
- Women who have had preterm labor in a prior pregnancy, have had ruptured membranes, placenta previa and have problems with their uterus and/or cervix, are at a higher risk for premature birth.
Lifestyle Choices
Health Conditions
Other Risk Factors