Stop Bulimia Nervosa
At first, vomiting up the vast amounts of food consumed on a binge can seem like the answer to keeping slim, but actually, the great majority of sufferers want to stop bulimia and put an end to this destructive condition. Self-induced vomiting is far from the ideal solution to weight gain. It's masking a deep unhappiness and leads to further psychological and physical problems.
Bulimia nervosa is an eating disorder and is nine times more likely to occur in women than men. The onset is usually between the ages of 13 and 20 years of age. Most bulimics make themselves vomit to avoid weight gain although some choose to exercise profusely or fast to offset the calories.
The self-induced vomiting becomes an addiction which can become all consuming as life is planned around eating and throwing up, excessively exercising and fasting. This becomes a deeply unhealthy cycle of binging and purging leading to serious physical and mental health problems. Bulimics find themselves trapped on a binge/purge merry-go-round unable to escape and stop bulimia.
Physical problems arising from this condition are serious and include chronic gastric reflux, malnourishment, pancreatitis, ulcers, electrolyte imbalance leading to heart problems and fits, reduced fertility and cessation of menstruation. Many suffer teeth erosion brought on by frequent vomiting. The long term use of diuretics, laxatives and enemas to purge the body also have consequences to health.
Psychologically, bulimics suffer from low self esteem and feelings of guilt that result from binging.
Even though addicted to their condition, dominated by thoughts of food and often deeply concerned about their health, sufferers are also eager to be free from it.
There are a variety of treatments. Drug therapy has not been found to be consistently effective. The most common treatment is CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) where bulimics develop coping strategies such as recording the amount of food eaten and episodes of vomiting in order to highlight emotional highs and lows that bring on a binge and purge session. CBT has demonstrated efficacy.
Additionally however, many people have found a route out of this desperate cycle through the healing benefits of hypnosis and NLP (neuro linguistic programming). This very effective therapy has enabled sufferers to take back control of their lives and escape this torturous addiction by learning how to eat like a happy, healthy person does.
Hypnosis and NLP work by retraining the mind. The myriad of benefits gained by using these techniques include control of emotions, stopping the urge to vomit, learning useful rather than destructive ways to think about food and to eat healthily and normally. Users of this treatment report how easy it is to change even after one session, either with a therapist or simply listening to a powerful hypnosis recording. This plants the seeds of recovery within the sufferers mind helping them to stop bulimia and think in new, healthier ways giving them the opportunity to be free of this condition forever.
Bulimia nervosa is an eating disorder and is nine times more likely to occur in women than men. The onset is usually between the ages of 13 and 20 years of age. Most bulimics make themselves vomit to avoid weight gain although some choose to exercise profusely or fast to offset the calories.
The self-induced vomiting becomes an addiction which can become all consuming as life is planned around eating and throwing up, excessively exercising and fasting. This becomes a deeply unhealthy cycle of binging and purging leading to serious physical and mental health problems. Bulimics find themselves trapped on a binge/purge merry-go-round unable to escape and stop bulimia.
Physical problems arising from this condition are serious and include chronic gastric reflux, malnourishment, pancreatitis, ulcers, electrolyte imbalance leading to heart problems and fits, reduced fertility and cessation of menstruation. Many suffer teeth erosion brought on by frequent vomiting. The long term use of diuretics, laxatives and enemas to purge the body also have consequences to health.
Psychologically, bulimics suffer from low self esteem and feelings of guilt that result from binging.
Even though addicted to their condition, dominated by thoughts of food and often deeply concerned about their health, sufferers are also eager to be free from it.
There are a variety of treatments. Drug therapy has not been found to be consistently effective. The most common treatment is CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) where bulimics develop coping strategies such as recording the amount of food eaten and episodes of vomiting in order to highlight emotional highs and lows that bring on a binge and purge session. CBT has demonstrated efficacy.
Additionally however, many people have found a route out of this desperate cycle through the healing benefits of hypnosis and NLP (neuro linguistic programming). This very effective therapy has enabled sufferers to take back control of their lives and escape this torturous addiction by learning how to eat like a happy, healthy person does.
Hypnosis and NLP work by retraining the mind. The myriad of benefits gained by using these techniques include control of emotions, stopping the urge to vomit, learning useful rather than destructive ways to think about food and to eat healthily and normally. Users of this treatment report how easy it is to change even after one session, either with a therapist or simply listening to a powerful hypnosis recording. This plants the seeds of recovery within the sufferers mind helping them to stop bulimia and think in new, healthier ways giving them the opportunity to be free of this condition forever.