How to Sell Your Final Fantasy XI (FFXI) Character
- 1). Visit the "GameTag" website. Click on "Sell/Trade Account" under the "Final Fantasy XI" menu on the left side of the web page. A lengthy form will appear that must be filled out in detail.
- 2). Review the form and log into your game. Take a written inventory of your characters, recording their attributes, jobs, assets, equipment and craft skills. The more information you can provide on the form, the more accurate the price quote you receive will be.
- 3). Fill out the "Main Characters Information" section of the form by clicking the drop-down menus. This information pertains to the most-used, highest-ranked character on your account.
- 4). Complete the rest of the character-specific sections. These require you to detail information regarding your remaining characters. Under "All Your Characters Equipment," click the "Describe All Jobs Equipment" drop-down menu to create additional fields for up to ten characters.
- 5). Add your personal information and asking price under the "Additional Information" section. You cannot submit your characters' information without submitting your email address and an asking price (numbers only).
- 6). Click the drop-down menu under "Payment Method." Select a means to receive money once your account has been sold. Choose "Get Instant Quote" to submit the form.
- 7). Evaluate the instant quote your receive. If you decide you're willing to sell your characters for the offered amount, fill in the "Personal Information," "Your PlayOnline Account Information" and "Your Square Enix Account Information" forms. Click on the box at the bottom of the form to accept the "Terms and Conditions" and click "Submit Account."
- 8). Check your email regularly. You will receive a payment confirmation once your account submission has been completed by a GameTag agent.