Floating Walls - How to Build it Instructions
Recently, I received an email from one of my viewers who is in the process of renovating the basement asking me to help with any ideas on how to build a floating wall.
As I was writing the information down, I thought that this will be a good article for those who are looking for some information on floating walls.
I will try to explain a method as clear as possible.
Please keep in mind that there is more then one method to build a floating wall but this method is the one I use.
We start with a simple foundation wall and the rest of the walls should be similar.
Steps 1).
Nail the bottom base plate (use pressure treated lumber for the bottom plates) on to the concrete floor of the basement.
Use two pieces of 2x4s on top of each other at intervals on the bottom plate but do not nail these loose blocks.
This gives you the required 3 inches clearance from the bottom plate.
Measure from the underneath of the bottom floor joists to the top of the blocks that where laid on the top of the bottom plate and subtract 3-1/2 inches.
Cut the vertical studs to this measurement.
Nail the top and bottom wall plates to the studs and place the wall up-right on the loose blocks that were placed on the plate nailed to the cement basement floor.
Check the wall for plumb and screw or nail the wall to the floor joists.
I the floor joists are running parallel to the wall, you will then have to nail 2x4s between the floor joists to serve as backing.
Predrill the wall bottom plate and nail it with 70d or 80d nails to the bottom running plate.
(The plate nailed to the basement floor).
I like to leave space between the nail head and the base plate, in case the basement floor sinks down.
Next nail a 2x4 runner along the foundation wall (wide side of the 2x4 against the foundation wall) close to the bottom of the framed wall and then screw horizontal pieces of 2x4s at 3 to 4-feet intervals.
Screw these horizontal pieces to the framed wall.
This should stabilize the wall from moving.
If you are using 1/2in drywall to finish the wall, you will need to nail a 1/2-in by 1-1/2-in filler to the base plate so it will be flash with the framed wall.
This will allow you to attach the baseboard to the filler only.
Note: Let the drywall hang about 1/2-in down from the bottom plate to allow for movement and use a that is wide enough to cover the wallboard by 1-inch.
Tommy Tool Time
As I was writing the information down, I thought that this will be a good article for those who are looking for some information on floating walls.
I will try to explain a method as clear as possible.
Please keep in mind that there is more then one method to build a floating wall but this method is the one I use.
We start with a simple foundation wall and the rest of the walls should be similar.
Steps 1).
Nail the bottom base plate (use pressure treated lumber for the bottom plates) on to the concrete floor of the basement.
Use two pieces of 2x4s on top of each other at intervals on the bottom plate but do not nail these loose blocks.
This gives you the required 3 inches clearance from the bottom plate.
Measure from the underneath of the bottom floor joists to the top of the blocks that where laid on the top of the bottom plate and subtract 3-1/2 inches.
Cut the vertical studs to this measurement.
Nail the top and bottom wall plates to the studs and place the wall up-right on the loose blocks that were placed on the plate nailed to the cement basement floor.
Check the wall for plumb and screw or nail the wall to the floor joists.
I the floor joists are running parallel to the wall, you will then have to nail 2x4s between the floor joists to serve as backing.
Predrill the wall bottom plate and nail it with 70d or 80d nails to the bottom running plate.
(The plate nailed to the basement floor).
I like to leave space between the nail head and the base plate, in case the basement floor sinks down.
Next nail a 2x4 runner along the foundation wall (wide side of the 2x4 against the foundation wall) close to the bottom of the framed wall and then screw horizontal pieces of 2x4s at 3 to 4-feet intervals.
Screw these horizontal pieces to the framed wall.
This should stabilize the wall from moving.
If you are using 1/2in drywall to finish the wall, you will need to nail a 1/2-in by 1-1/2-in filler to the base plate so it will be flash with the framed wall.
This will allow you to attach the baseboard to the filler only.
Note: Let the drywall hang about 1/2-in down from the bottom plate to allow for movement and use a that is wide enough to cover the wallboard by 1-inch.
Tommy Tool Time