Video Game Beta Testing Job Guide
Video game beta testing is not a hobby, it should be treated like job.
You will have to be professional, follow the given instructions and report everything that needs reporting.
I'm going to give you tips on how to be good video game beta tester.
With every game you receive a list of instructions is included, always read them very carefully, because it's not always just reporting bugs and glitches.
You will also get a deadline, make sure you never miss your deadline or you won't get another job offer from that company.
I mentioned in the intro, that video game beta testing must be treated like a job, this means that you don't just have to play the game, you will have to test everything, you may need to play the game through more than once.
So it might take lots of time.
It's common that in some games there are many characters, so you may need to play the game with all characters which can be very time-consuming, so always plan your time.
Don't leave anything to the last minute, because you need to have a good and professional report.
This ensures that your developer will contact you again if they need a video game beta tester.
If you find anything that needs attention, then make sure you describe exactly what triggers it.
Also try to trigger that glitch multiple times to get a better understanding of problem.
Never think that a certain glitch is not a big deal, if you have a tiniest feeling that something is wrong, always try to trigger it again and write it down.
While playing the game keep a piece of paper with you and write everything down, even the least important bugs you may notice.
When the deadline approaches write everything to a clean and professional report, make sure there are no grammar or spelling errors.
You will have to be professional, follow the given instructions and report everything that needs reporting.
I'm going to give you tips on how to be good video game beta tester.
With every game you receive a list of instructions is included, always read them very carefully, because it's not always just reporting bugs and glitches.
You will also get a deadline, make sure you never miss your deadline or you won't get another job offer from that company.
I mentioned in the intro, that video game beta testing must be treated like a job, this means that you don't just have to play the game, you will have to test everything, you may need to play the game through more than once.
So it might take lots of time.
It's common that in some games there are many characters, so you may need to play the game with all characters which can be very time-consuming, so always plan your time.
Don't leave anything to the last minute, because you need to have a good and professional report.
This ensures that your developer will contact you again if they need a video game beta tester.
If you find anything that needs attention, then make sure you describe exactly what triggers it.
Also try to trigger that glitch multiple times to get a better understanding of problem.
Never think that a certain glitch is not a big deal, if you have a tiniest feeling that something is wrong, always try to trigger it again and write it down.
While playing the game keep a piece of paper with you and write everything down, even the least important bugs you may notice.
When the deadline approaches write everything to a clean and professional report, make sure there are no grammar or spelling errors.