Does it matter which IVA provider you choose?
Midsized IVA providers focus only on customer debt IVA cases but as they are a lot smaller than "IVA factories", for that reason they may be able to offer the potential for improved service. Another benefit is as the association is small, there will be a single contact maintained for individuals during an Individual Voluntary Arrangement and can make sure that access to the Insolvency Practitioner is accessible which is essential as they are the decision makers in the plan. The single contact reduces the chances of giving the wrong information to individual's and misunderstandings are also decreased.
Clients are offered Individual Voluntary Arrangement options by combined accountancy practices as well. These practices can to make use of an insolvency practitioner to handle cases and also cover areas like audit services and tax. These practices are like mid sized IVA specialists where they will often provide a better level of service and insolvency practitioner access than the IVA factories. However there is a possibilIty that their lack of specialism may mean they are behind on important developments.
There are some smaller companies in which sometimes single insolvency practitioners also offer individuals' Individual Voluntary Arrangement advice. The majority nevertheless do not specialise in debt advice and specialise in business recovery. Even though they do have the qualifications to supply such services but as they do not have debt advice specialists, this may affect the success rate for clients.
There are number IVA introducers within the UK debt-help sector. These are not actually companies that can provide you with an IVA, while this information may be very hard to glean from their cautiously written advertisements and websites. At their best Individual Voluntary Arrangement introducers can give a layer of guidance that may help direct those for whom an IVA isn't a good option towards more applicable debt solutions. At their worst they can deliver uneducated and inadequate advice and charge upfront fees that simply do not need to be paid for the privilege of this. We strongly advice all readers not to pay any upfront Individual Voluntary Arrangement fees as it is a waste of your time and money. Go directly to an actual provider instead of paying upfront fees for an Individual Voluntary Arrangement.