Yellow-Headed Blackbird
Aptly named for its colorful plumage, the yellow-headed blackbird is more well known for its appearance than for its decidedly unmusical, discordant song. Nonetheless, this bird is a common and familiar resident of deep marshy habitats throughout western North America.
Common Name:
Yellow-Headed Blackbird
Scientific Name:
Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus
Scientific Family:
- Bill: Thick conical shape, black on males and dusky dark on females
- Size: 9-11 inches long with 16-inch wingspan, deep chest
- Colors: Yellow, black, white, brown, buff
- Markings: Dimorphic species. Males are significantly larger than females and have a bright lemon yellow head, throat and chest. The dark eyes, lores and bills stand out on the yellow face with a mask-like look. The body and tail are black. A white wing patch is narrowly visible when the bird is perched, and much more visible in flight. Females are sooty-brown or dusky-brown all over with a yellow-brown eyebrow, cheek, throat and upper chest. Variable white or buff streaking can be seen on the female's lower chest, and females have a much diminished white wing patch or lack one altogether. Both genders have black eyes, legs and feet. Juvenile birds look similar to adult females. Species is monotypic.
Insects, grain, seeds, larvae, snails (See: Omnivorous)
Habitat and Migration:
Yellow-headed blackbirds are frequently found in deep freshwater marshes where cattails are abundant, and they can also be found in reedy lakes, agricultural areas, forest edges and similar habitats, even in suburban areas.
These are neotropical migrants, and in summer they breed throughout the interior of western North America, stretching from south-central Canada to northwestern Indiana, south to northern Oklahoma and northern New Mexico and west to the eastern regions of California, Oregon and Washington. In winter, these birds migrate to southern portions of Arizona and New Mexico, southwestern Texas and throughout Mexico. Small year-round populations can be found in central California and along the California-Arizona border as far north as southwestern Utah.
Vagrant sightings are regularly reported far east of the expected range, particularly during migration. Rare sightings have been reported in northern Europe, but are not solidly verified.
The hoarse, raspy gargles of the yellow-headed blackbird are often considered some of the least musical bird songs in North America. The typical song includes long "kraaaaak" notes with a metallic quality that sound like rusty hinges, and a common call is a blunt "tkuk" note. Because these birds gather in large flocks, the songs and calls can be overwhelming at times.
These are gregarious birds that form flocks all year round, though winter flocks are larger and can number in the millions of birds. Winter flocks may also be mixed with similar species, including red-winged blackbirds and different grackles.
While foraging, yellow-headed blackbirds walk on the ground rather than hop. They are agile at clinging to reeds and marsh grasses, straddling above the water as they perch to sing. When disturbed, they can be very aggressive, particularly near nesting areas. A typical aggressive posture is the head thrust forward and the wings spread, and these birds will even attack intruders far larger than themselves, including humans.
Yellow-headed blackbirds are polygamous birds with one male mating with several females after his hovering courtship flights. The female parent will build a cup-shaped nest of grasses, reeds and cattails, positioning the nest over the water for security. These are colonial birds, and from 20-100 females may nest very close to one another. Each brood has 1-5 light gray-green oval eggs with brown or gray markings, and 2 broods are typical for each pair during the breeding season.
The female parent incubates the eggs for 11-13 days. After hatching, both parents feed the altricial young for an additional 9-13 days, though the female parent typically offers more care. Juvenile birds stay low in marsh areas for several weeks after hatching until their flight skills are more developed.
Attracting Yellow-Headed Blackbirds:
These birds are not typical backyard species, but they can visit backyards in rural or suburban areas near appropriate habitats if ground feeders are available, especially if cracked corn is fed to backyard birds. They may also appear in backyards that are bordered by reedy ditches or agricultural field edges.
These birds are not endangered or threatened, though local populations can decrease from the effects of habitat loss when marshes are drained for development. Yellow-headed blackbirds are occasional hosts to brown-headed cowbird eggs, which can threaten the nestlings. Overall, however, populations of these birds are increasing.
Similar Birds:
- Western Meadowlark (Sturnella neglecta)
- Bobolink (Dolichonyx oryzivorus)
- Hooded Oriole (Icterus cucullatus)
- Altamira Oriole (Icterus gularis)
Photo – Yellow-Headed Blackbird – Male © Bill Bouton
Photo – Yellow-Headed Blackbird – Female © Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife
Photo – Yellow-Headed Blackbird – Male in Flight © David Mitchell