Magic Tricks for Little Kids
- Magic Fingers is a magic trick that little kids can perform without any extra materials. Using their hands, children can astound all of their young friends. Clasp both hands together so that they are interwoven. Bring the middle finger of the right hand inside both hands so it remains hidden. Connect the remaining fingers until it looks normal. Show the audience your clasped hands and have them count all nine visible fingers. If you do the trick correctly, you will show that you only have nine fingers!
- Magic Mathemagic is an activity best played by young children that are just starting to learn math concepts in school. To complete this activity, you need two pieces of paper and a marker. First, write the number "1089" in big numbers, and fold the paper three times to conceal it (don't let the audience see what number you picked). Have a spectator choose a three-digit number in which all three numbers are different (such as 451). Write that number on another blank paper. Next, subtract the reverse of that number, by switching the order of the first and third numbers (the reverse of 451 is 154, and the answer is 297). Have the spectator add the reverse of the new number (add 297 with its reverse, which is 792). The spectator will get the number 1089. Reveal your piece of paper from earlier to show that you had the same number.
- All Sorted is a magic trick that involves the use of playing cards. To perform this trick, use only the face cards (jacks, queens and kings) and aces in the deck. Organize the cards by suit (hearts, clubs, spades and diamonds) to create four decks. Each pile should be in the following order: jack, queen, king and ace (with the ace at the top). Spread the four piles out and reveal them to the audience. Gather them back into the pile and flip each one face down. Make sure each pile retains the same order. Cut the cards about four or five times, and deal the cards again into four new piles facing down. Turn the piles face up to reveal that the cards have resorted themselves into the order that you created.
- In the Rope Trick, the young child will amaze his friends by pretending to tie a knot with one hand. Have one end of the rope already tied (without the audience knowing). Show the rope to the audience while holding both ends of the rope with both hands (with a few fingers around the ends). Make sure you hide the knot in one of your hands. Tell the audience that you will tie a knot using one hand. Carefully place the other end of the rope into the hand that contains the tied end of the rope. Shake the rope tightly in that one hand, while saying magic words (such as abracadabra). Blow into the hand that contains both ends of the rope, and drop it, revealing the tied knot to the astonishment of your audience.
Magic Fingers
Magic Mathemagic
All Sorted
Rope Trick