Medcorp India
Medcorp India was established in July 2009 and has since been engaged in the field of import,export and trading of Medical equipments, Hospital equipments, Surgical insruments, Hospital furnitures, Laboratory equipments, Scientific and Educational products worldwide. Our extensive high quality medical and surgical product range at very affordable prices makes buying from us very attractive.
Medcorp India was established in July 2009 and has since been engaged in the fields of import,export and trading of Medical equipments, Hospital equipments, Surgical insruments, Hospital furnitures, Laboratory equipments, Scientific and Educational products worldwide. Our extensive high quality medical and surgical product range at very affordable prices makes buying from us very attractive. Medicrop has always sought to achieve standards, expected of the best organizations in the world. Following are some of the certification possessed by ISO 9001:2008.
The world expects results. At Medicrop , do not brag about the quality of our products, but aim at selling practical & tested QUALITY MERCHANDISE at low profits so that our valued clients, worthy, wise and judicious human beings, come back to us continuously. Achieving excellence of quality of our personnel and products is an unending path for us. We aim at performing, and not promising. From individual instruments to procedural sets, Global Surgical Instruments Inc has over 1,800 different instrument patterns in stock ready for immediate delivery. We offer easy cross reference solutions to make sure you get the instrument you are looking for, and are confident that our surgical instruments will meet your quality standards or we will replace the instrument.
Pin-Index for the 02 & N20 cylinder
Selectatec bar
Flow meter backlight
Overhead light
Main Technical Data
Driven mode: Pneumatically driven electronically controlled
Display: 8.4 inch color LCD display
Ventilation mode: VCV. PCV. PSV. SIMV. Standby. Manual
Safety valve pressure limit: ^6kPa
Power supply: AC 220 V 10%; 50Hz1%
Monitoring parameters
Tidal volume. Minute volume. Respiratory Rate.
Airway pressure ! Ppeak. Ppfat. PEEP I , O, Concentration,
the waveforms include P-T. F-T.V-T. P-V. F-V loop
Tidal volume, Minute volume, Respiratory Rate, Airway pressure.
0:. Concentration, Apnea, Power supply failure. Battery Low
Main Unit
Mode: Semi-open, semi-closed or closed system
Gas supplies: O./NO/AIR 0.3MPa - 0.6MPa
Flowmeter: 07N;0/AIR five-tube flowmeter .
0 to 10Umin (With inter-lock protection devices ensuring the oxygen concentration > 25 %)
0: flush: 35to75Umin
O deficiency alarm: Audible alarm for at least 7 seconds
Respiration loop: Good airtight .easy for using, easy for cleaning and sterilizing
Enflurane, Isoflurane or fluothane
Row range: 0.2 to 15L/min. Concentration: Oto 5.0%. Work Temperature: 15Cto35'C
Medcorp India was established in July 2009 and has since been engaged in the fields of import,export and trading of Medical equipments, Hospital equipments, Surgical insruments, Hospital furnitures, Laboratory equipments, Scientific and Educational products worldwide. Our extensive high quality medical and surgical product range at very affordable prices makes buying from us very attractive. Medicrop has always sought to achieve standards, expected of the best organizations in the world. Following are some of the certification possessed by ISO 9001:2008.
The world expects results. At Medicrop , do not brag about the quality of our products, but aim at selling practical & tested QUALITY MERCHANDISE at low profits so that our valued clients, worthy, wise and judicious human beings, come back to us continuously. Achieving excellence of quality of our personnel and products is an unending path for us. We aim at performing, and not promising. From individual instruments to procedural sets, Global Surgical Instruments Inc has over 1,800 different instrument patterns in stock ready for immediate delivery. We offer easy cross reference solutions to make sure you get the instrument you are looking for, and are confident that our surgical instruments will meet your quality standards or we will replace the instrument.
Pin-Index for the 02 & N20 cylinder
Selectatec bar
Flow meter backlight
Overhead light
Main Technical Data
Driven mode: Pneumatically driven electronically controlled
Display: 8.4 inch color LCD display
Ventilation mode: VCV. PCV. PSV. SIMV. Standby. Manual
Safety valve pressure limit: ^6kPa
Power supply: AC 220 V 10%; 50Hz1%
Monitoring parameters
Tidal volume. Minute volume. Respiratory Rate.
Airway pressure ! Ppeak. Ppfat. PEEP I , O, Concentration,
the waveforms include P-T. F-T.V-T. P-V. F-V loop
Tidal volume, Minute volume, Respiratory Rate, Airway pressure.
0:. Concentration, Apnea, Power supply failure. Battery Low
Main Unit
Mode: Semi-open, semi-closed or closed system
Gas supplies: O./NO/AIR 0.3MPa - 0.6MPa
Flowmeter: 07N;0/AIR five-tube flowmeter .
0 to 10Umin (With inter-lock protection devices ensuring the oxygen concentration > 25 %)
0: flush: 35to75Umin
O deficiency alarm: Audible alarm for at least 7 seconds
Respiration loop: Good airtight .easy for using, easy for cleaning and sterilizing
Enflurane, Isoflurane or fluothane
Row range: 0.2 to 15L/min. Concentration: Oto 5.0%. Work Temperature: 15Cto35'C