Indoor Gardening Is A Great Way To Be Close To Nature
Indoor gardening is one way for apartment dwellers to become close with nature, especially for the city dwellers that do not have much connecting them to the land.
Watching seeds grow into plants is a wonderful experience and urbanites can achieve this with a hydroponics kit and a grow light or a sunny window.
Their own food can be produced this way allowing them a chance to participate in this act from nature.
Rural communities are rapidly being outstripped around the world by the urban populations, making this point in our human history very critical.
In the world today where everyone depends on their food being provided through agriculture, sadly, most families are growing up so unfamiliar with farms, the sight of one appears foreign.
However, to become more acquainted with how food is grown, the average person will not have to make a radical lifestyle change.
What you will need, is a west or south window that produces six to eight hours of sunlight.
If that is not possible, most indoor plants can be nurtured with t5 grow lights.
As well, winter daylight hours can be extended with these lights, for tomatoes or other vegetables that are more demanding to produce.
Picking up a few plastic pots, a mini indoor greenhouse, some starter mix and a package of lettuce seeds is easily accomplished at the local garden center, once you have secured adequate light.
Fresh salad greens will be available in just a few weeks if you have followed the seed packet instructions.
An excellent starter is leaf lettuce because from a seed it grows easily and quickly matures.
Basil, chives and parsley are other food plants which grow indoors easily.
Tomatoes, a bigger challenge will be on the list soon for the gardeners who have developed their green thumbs.
For those people who have been out of touch, a great way to get re-acquainted with Mother Earth is through indoor gardening.
This adventure could be a lifelong achievement as it is a rewarding and educational experience.
Watching seeds grow into plants is a wonderful experience and urbanites can achieve this with a hydroponics kit and a grow light or a sunny window.
Their own food can be produced this way allowing them a chance to participate in this act from nature.
Rural communities are rapidly being outstripped around the world by the urban populations, making this point in our human history very critical.
In the world today where everyone depends on their food being provided through agriculture, sadly, most families are growing up so unfamiliar with farms, the sight of one appears foreign.
However, to become more acquainted with how food is grown, the average person will not have to make a radical lifestyle change.
What you will need, is a west or south window that produces six to eight hours of sunlight.
If that is not possible, most indoor plants can be nurtured with t5 grow lights.
As well, winter daylight hours can be extended with these lights, for tomatoes or other vegetables that are more demanding to produce.
Picking up a few plastic pots, a mini indoor greenhouse, some starter mix and a package of lettuce seeds is easily accomplished at the local garden center, once you have secured adequate light.
Fresh salad greens will be available in just a few weeks if you have followed the seed packet instructions.
An excellent starter is leaf lettuce because from a seed it grows easily and quickly matures.
Basil, chives and parsley are other food plants which grow indoors easily.
Tomatoes, a bigger challenge will be on the list soon for the gardeners who have developed their green thumbs.
For those people who have been out of touch, a great way to get re-acquainted with Mother Earth is through indoor gardening.
This adventure could be a lifelong achievement as it is a rewarding and educational experience.