The SACK of LACK, Let Me Show You a Way Out!
She was amazed at the business I was doing and so very proud of my accomplishments.
Also, she was also amazed at the financial aspect of the business.
Of course this was not a business for her at this stage in life, but she was astounded by the amount of people I talk to every day.
During our weekend away I decided not to do any work as I wanted to dedicate my time to just her and me and building a strong relationship with her.
One of the greatest aspects of this business is the freedom of time with my family.
I have come the realization that we only have a short time in this life and I want to spend it doing what I love and be with the people that mean the most to me.
There was once a time when I thought the only way to make a living was working for someone else and fulfilling someone else's dreams.
Have you been in the mindset?? Once you decide to create your life and future in an intentional way, such as doing something you absolutely love each and every day, you become free to choose.
The freedom of that moment is liberating and inspiring to others.
Can you just imagine having the enlightening epiphany to step into the career you love with freedom of time? The SACK of LACK is determined like so: A)Lack of Time:You are always on someone else's schedule.
Never your own.
Example of this would behaving to be at work at 8:30am, having to be at a meeting at 11am,taking lunch at 12pm for one hour, having to schedule time off/vacation time/ sick time etc.
An Example of a solution: If time is a lack in your life then you must make time a priority in your life.
What is your time worth to you? How exactly do you put a price on your time? Lets say you have to work over lunch but then realized you planned a date with a loved one.
At this point you struggle with the decision of do you work or do you cancel on your loved one.
Most workoholics will cancel on their loved ones for fear of not being available to the work environment.
So, the loved one is pushed aside in order for your "career" to advance.
But what if I said, YOU can have both.
You can have the lunch date and work as well? B)Lack of Money:You never seem to be able to make it from pay cheque to pay cheque.
You budget each week of exactly how much you can spend on this and that and no extra for the fun time in your life with kids and family.
Each cheque is divided into allotted chunks of money to pay the rent/mortgage, cell, phone, hydro etc.
Example of a solution: PAY YOURSELF FIRST! If you are not willing to pay for your own time then you will end up in a landslide of debt and stress.
What would you say if each paycheque you allot 20% of each cheque to YOU! To do or buy what you want.
The money that you pay yourself is completely for YOU! No one else.
You do what you like.
Such as buy a new outfit, or take a train ride, or go get your nails done, or if your a man, buy a new suit or jacket.
Make yourself the priority to enrich your life.
C)Lack of Inspiration:You are a hampster on a running wheel.
Day in and day out you get up in the morning, go to the bathroom, get dressed, eat breakfast, journey to work, do work on someone elses schedule, go home, allotted family time, then bed and the routine starts all over again the next day.
Life holds no excitement, no laughter, no desire to push yourself.
Example of a solution: Start with YouTube.
Find your inspiration modivators.
Listen to what they say, REALLY listen! My modivator to take action is Les Brown.
He devotes his life to inspiring others to take action.
Take a look at your life at this very moment.
Can you look at your life and say you are proud of where you are? Do you find inspiration in meeting others and listening to their stories? I have been gifted with many many inspiring people that have guided me to where I am today.
Reaching a goal and living the moments with a smile on your face because the people in your life are cheering on your successes! Take the lead in your life!!! Create the life you want with no boundaries and the SACK of LACK! Take the lead in your life with the intention to succeed.
Everything will come together with such speed once you decide you are worth each success or opportunity that is presented to you!! Contact me anytime to discuss all your options and explore you talents! Sometimes it takes another person to deliver you the message of your greatness.
Look beyond the fear that may be clouding your guidance system.
To your greatness!!!