A Few Notes on Article Marketing and Website Traffic
Recently I was browsing through one of the nets' top marketing forums when I came across a fellow who'd managed to get himself 'banned' from one of the largest Article Publishing sites online.
Being curious I looked further and found that he'd been spamming the site while trying to "inflate" his own article page views in the hope of generating more traffic from it.
OMG! Stunned as I was, I posed a rather "strong" reply - there's a lesson in it for us all, which is why I'm now publishing an article on it.
Here is what I wrote..
Why do we encourage such pathetic marketing strategies!? You've been around this forum now long enough to know better.
I ask only this question of you, aren't your "articles" good enough to be read by real people? Who gives a s*** about what your 'competitors' do? Forgive me for being so blunt, but, write quality, submit wisely and think of being in business for the LONG TERM, not just here and now.
Recently I was looking at the stats for a free eBook I published back in 2003 - almost 50,000 downloads (from just one website) and thousands of other different sites / blogs/ forums also giving it away.
Why? Because I was thinking outside of the box and outside of the year.
And even though my website was offline for 2 years recently while I was ill, the traffic KEPT COMING, I couldn't turn it off if I wanted to.
All because I focused of LONG TERM not short term.
Here's an idea for you: (1) Take a whole bunch of your own articles (the best ones), compile them into an eBook, and give it away for free.
(2) Choose half a dozen of the best of those articles and record audio video tutorials to go with them.
They can be downloaded from links within the eBook.
(3) Add about half a dozen Clickbank links in also to related products...
(4) Make the eBook brand-able so that people giving it away can place their own Clickbank links in and they'll want to give it away for you.
So damn good that people should have paid for it and give it away for free.
Final Question - How do YOU make money from it? The links that go back to your website are yours to keep all the cash from.
(Or) Link in another 'Special Report', a 'How to', some other back end to build a database; whatever -Better yet, plug in your own affiliate program linking to your own product so that people who are giving away the eBook for you will also go and join YOUR affiliate program.
(Make it yours, not just CB links, that way you can also build your database).
And so on and so on and so on.
THAT'S how you get traffic and income from articles in the real world; this year, next year and for the decade to follow.
Paul Barrs PS.
Side note...
I've only had my site back online for 8 weeks and don't yet even have any product back up...
but checking my 404 stats showed that last month almost 1400 clicks came through from my old affiliate program and dead links in old eBooks.
Part of my work now is to rebuild those relationships and put it all back together.
Point being, do it right and you'll never be able to STOP the traffic!
Being curious I looked further and found that he'd been spamming the site while trying to "inflate" his own article page views in the hope of generating more traffic from it.
OMG! Stunned as I was, I posed a rather "strong" reply - there's a lesson in it for us all, which is why I'm now publishing an article on it.
Here is what I wrote..
Why do we encourage such pathetic marketing strategies!? You've been around this forum now long enough to know better.
I ask only this question of you, aren't your "articles" good enough to be read by real people? Who gives a s*** about what your 'competitors' do? Forgive me for being so blunt, but, write quality, submit wisely and think of being in business for the LONG TERM, not just here and now.
Recently I was looking at the stats for a free eBook I published back in 2003 - almost 50,000 downloads (from just one website) and thousands of other different sites / blogs/ forums also giving it away.
Why? Because I was thinking outside of the box and outside of the year.
And even though my website was offline for 2 years recently while I was ill, the traffic KEPT COMING, I couldn't turn it off if I wanted to.
All because I focused of LONG TERM not short term.
Here's an idea for you: (1) Take a whole bunch of your own articles (the best ones), compile them into an eBook, and give it away for free.
(2) Choose half a dozen of the best of those articles and record audio video tutorials to go with them.
They can be downloaded from links within the eBook.
(3) Add about half a dozen Clickbank links in also to related products...
(4) Make the eBook brand-able so that people giving it away can place their own Clickbank links in and they'll want to give it away for you.
So damn good that people should have paid for it and give it away for free.
Final Question - How do YOU make money from it? The links that go back to your website are yours to keep all the cash from.
(Or) Link in another 'Special Report', a 'How to', some other back end to build a database; whatever -Better yet, plug in your own affiliate program linking to your own product so that people who are giving away the eBook for you will also go and join YOUR affiliate program.
(Make it yours, not just CB links, that way you can also build your database).
And so on and so on and so on.
THAT'S how you get traffic and income from articles in the real world; this year, next year and for the decade to follow.
Paul Barrs PS.
Side note...
I've only had my site back online for 8 weeks and don't yet even have any product back up...
but checking my 404 stats showed that last month almost 1400 clicks came through from my old affiliate program and dead links in old eBooks.
Part of my work now is to rebuild those relationships and put it all back together.
Point being, do it right and you'll never be able to STOP the traffic!