Article Marketing Review - Part 3: - Evil Genius Or Marketing Masterminds
The emails continuously scream the same message
Article Marketing is Free
Article Marketing drives your website traffic for no cost,
Anyone who can write can do article Marketing,
Read the latest review on the newest article marketing method, blueprint or scheme
Do you want to be the one screaming or searching? Can online marketers just starting out, or even well established and online for many years, truly hope to make an impact with article marketing when we must compete against the continued onslaught and syndication of article marketing reviews without any foreseeable abatement?
Are We Already In A War of the Words?
No-one would have believed in the early years of the 21st century that our industry was being watched by intelligence greater than our own. As we busied ourselves with our various concerns, these internet article marketers observed and studied us, the way a man with a microscope might scrutinize the creatures that swarm and multiply in a drop of water whilst we busily worked our way from one seminar to another, confident of our empire on this industry.
Yet across the vastness of the internet, intellects immeasurably superior to our own, regarded us and our industry with greedy, envious eyes..and slowly they drew their plans against us..
Is it possible that a syndicate of Evil Genius Internet Marketers, huddle together in their sprawling mansions, bought from monies gleaned from the unsuspecting swarm of readers of their article marketing reviews, have been tracking, tracing, studying and scheming against us? Has their ultimate weapon been article marketing reviews?
Or is it more believable that a group of Marketing Masterminds conceived the idea of Article Marketing, used their considerable intellect & influence to ensure search engines bought into the now accepted concept that new, original content is better and more relevant to searchers, and ultimately they created an industry of self perpetuating sales funnels for their superior colony to dominate with article marketing reviews?
In reality article marketing reviews, the act of writing an evaluation and comparison article about an article marketing product or service, are used by article marketers without power or influence. They can be used for good or evil and you can determine for yourself which is which from the list below:
#1 Biased Self Promotion Tool
#2 Powerful Evaluation Communication Medium
#3 Affiliate Marketers Toolkit Essential
#4 Over-Sellers List Mining Gold
#5 Niche Authority Reputation Generator
Get Some Skin In The Game
The act of writing articles is free, so there is very little skin in the game required by marketers looking to use article marketing as an online marketing strategy. And because there is no investment other than time the way article marketing reviews are typically created are representative of this small investment.
That is, either the authors do not think that their reviews will be transparently discovered as pushing a subjective point of view or the evaluation is weak and unhelpful for the readers. Article Marketers that engage in this type of review have, in my evaluation, underestimated the important of reputation and Niche Authority and believe that regardless of the resources required to produce the article, these review should represent the core values of your Online Marketing Presence.
It is easy to believe from your small home office that some small quickly written, self serving review of your latest affiliate product will have little or no impact on your future. But every small action you take now, alters what will happen in the future and in the case of article marketing your readers will remember you indiscretions and preclude you from their reading lists and mouse favours.
Considering the vast number of marketers using article marketing reviews how is it possible to determine the good from the bad, the real from the faux?..Should we wait for our earthly terrestrial pathogenic bacteria and the theories of Darwin (Natural Selection) to work their magic to eliminate these Geniuses, Masterminds and Skivers, as the Martians were in War Of The Worlds, leaving this industry and its considerable bounty to us all?
[Author: Insert Evil Laugh]
Article Marketing is Free
Article Marketing drives your website traffic for no cost,
Anyone who can write can do article Marketing,
Read the latest review on the newest article marketing method, blueprint or scheme
Do you want to be the one screaming or searching? Can online marketers just starting out, or even well established and online for many years, truly hope to make an impact with article marketing when we must compete against the continued onslaught and syndication of article marketing reviews without any foreseeable abatement?
Are We Already In A War of the Words?
No-one would have believed in the early years of the 21st century that our industry was being watched by intelligence greater than our own. As we busied ourselves with our various concerns, these internet article marketers observed and studied us, the way a man with a microscope might scrutinize the creatures that swarm and multiply in a drop of water whilst we busily worked our way from one seminar to another, confident of our empire on this industry.
Yet across the vastness of the internet, intellects immeasurably superior to our own, regarded us and our industry with greedy, envious eyes..and slowly they drew their plans against us..
Is it possible that a syndicate of Evil Genius Internet Marketers, huddle together in their sprawling mansions, bought from monies gleaned from the unsuspecting swarm of readers of their article marketing reviews, have been tracking, tracing, studying and scheming against us? Has their ultimate weapon been article marketing reviews?
Or is it more believable that a group of Marketing Masterminds conceived the idea of Article Marketing, used their considerable intellect & influence to ensure search engines bought into the now accepted concept that new, original content is better and more relevant to searchers, and ultimately they created an industry of self perpetuating sales funnels for their superior colony to dominate with article marketing reviews?
In reality article marketing reviews, the act of writing an evaluation and comparison article about an article marketing product or service, are used by article marketers without power or influence. They can be used for good or evil and you can determine for yourself which is which from the list below:
#1 Biased Self Promotion Tool
#2 Powerful Evaluation Communication Medium
#3 Affiliate Marketers Toolkit Essential
#4 Over-Sellers List Mining Gold
#5 Niche Authority Reputation Generator
Get Some Skin In The Game
The act of writing articles is free, so there is very little skin in the game required by marketers looking to use article marketing as an online marketing strategy. And because there is no investment other than time the way article marketing reviews are typically created are representative of this small investment.
That is, either the authors do not think that their reviews will be transparently discovered as pushing a subjective point of view or the evaluation is weak and unhelpful for the readers. Article Marketers that engage in this type of review have, in my evaluation, underestimated the important of reputation and Niche Authority and believe that regardless of the resources required to produce the article, these review should represent the core values of your Online Marketing Presence.
It is easy to believe from your small home office that some small quickly written, self serving review of your latest affiliate product will have little or no impact on your future. But every small action you take now, alters what will happen in the future and in the case of article marketing your readers will remember you indiscretions and preclude you from their reading lists and mouse favours.
Considering the vast number of marketers using article marketing reviews how is it possible to determine the good from the bad, the real from the faux?..Should we wait for our earthly terrestrial pathogenic bacteria and the theories of Darwin (Natural Selection) to work their magic to eliminate these Geniuses, Masterminds and Skivers, as the Martians were in War Of The Worlds, leaving this industry and its considerable bounty to us all?
[Author: Insert Evil Laugh]