Top 7 Tips To Treat And Prevent Hangover

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Your stomach is bubbling like a hot tub.
Your tongue feels as though you licked the lint trap of your dryer.
And your head will surely explode if you dare open your eyes.
You had one drink too many last night, and now your body is paying the piper for your overindulgence.
You probably know it as a hangover.
All that booze you consumed has irritated your stomach and produced a skull-spitting headache by overdilating the blood vessels in your head.
And because alcohol is diuretic, it makes your thirst unquenchable and compounds your headache pain.
Here are some tips that you can consider to adopt to subdue your discomfort.
Pace Yourself Nurse your drink and sip a non-alcoholic beverage between drinks.
A tall glass of sparkling water with a twist of lime or a mix of cranberry juice and seltzer can be just as festive as a glass of wine or a mug of beer.
Stick With High-Protein Fare It is recommended noshing on foods that have lots of protein, such as cheese.
They stay in your digestive system longer, so they help soak up alcohol.
This reduces your risk of becoming intoxicated and of waking up with a hangover.
Get Your Juices Flowing Because alcohol dehydrates, it can hinder the release of toxins such as lactic acid from your muscles.
This can leave you feeling stiff and crampy.
Take 10 to 15 minutes to stretch.
It can improve your circulation and thus reduce the level of lactic acid.
Pick Some Fruit Fructose, the natural sugar in fruit, enhances your body's ability to burn off alcohol.
It is recommended nibbling on cherries, grapes, or apples.
All of which are especially good sources of fructose.
Or spread honey, another high-fructose food, on a piece of toast or some crackers.
Sip A Sports Drink Being a diuretic, alcohol makes you urinate more frequently.
That can lead to dehydration.
Sports drinks such as Gatorade can help replenish fluid and depleted minerals.
Swallow A Pill Over-the-counter pain relievers remain a tried-and-true antidote to an alcohol-induced headache.
Aspirin or ibuprofen is your best bet, but do not take it until at least 4 hours after imbibing.
Otherwise, the medication can further irritate an already angry stomach.
Soothe Your With Bouillon A cup of bouillon makes an ideal morning-after breakfast.
It goes down easy on your grumbly stomach, and it helps replenish the salt, potassium, and other essential nutrients that alcohol siphons from your body.
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