Turn on Your Radio - "The Art of Listening Within"
Many of us sail through life unaware of the abundance of support and information available to us at every moment, and that unless we seek it, we will likely miss out on this amazing gift.
Much like the radio waves that are constantly circulating, offering a great source of information, unless we turn on the radio and dial into the waves, we cannot hear clearly what's being broadcast.
The same is true for our bodies.
They are our greatest resource, enabling us to express our self, feel deeply, and live richly though conveying important information to us constantly.
But, unless we tune in to this incredible body of ours, we may find ourselves living a less than fulfilling life.
We may try hard to ignore the subtle messages of our body, the tightness in our gut, the unexplained or fleeting moments of sadness, the slight ache when we lift something, the difficulty sleeping at night, a sense of hunger even though we recently finished our meal, until one day we find these long ignored messages have taken on more urgency.
They are no longer subtle, they are screaming for us to pay attention.
We find ourselves in a deep depression, overweight, living with pain, and perhaps popping pills to sleep or in hopes of feeling happier.
There is a natural, more healthful and purposeful path.
Learning to tune into and stay present with your life experiences may not be as simple as turning a dial, but once we learn how, and we gain the tools, it becomes natural.
Once we know how, when we feel confused, stuck, or in pain, all we have to do is tune in to our body, mind and heart connection.
If we still feel stuck or confused, then there is more to be conveyed.
It is a process, and it is very empowering, and uplifting, and you become in charge of your life, rather than a passenger in your life.
Whether it is your career, relationships, health, home, or family that has you feeling less than inspired in this moment, you have the tools to make changes that will bring you clarity.
Don't wait until the message knocks you off your rocker.
You can learn to listen to the whisper.
Through a series of highly experiential exercises, lecture sessions, reflective time, and interactions with horses and nature, one learns to quiet not just their external world but most importantly to quiet the mind chatter and connect to the most important source of information available.
The body.
This is about learning to feel, taking you further into your experience in relationship to your environment.
You actively seek a dialog with your body that is based in feeling.
You develop your relationship with your Self through transformational encounters with humans, horses, and nature.
Are you ready to tune in to your Self?
Much like the radio waves that are constantly circulating, offering a great source of information, unless we turn on the radio and dial into the waves, we cannot hear clearly what's being broadcast.
The same is true for our bodies.
They are our greatest resource, enabling us to express our self, feel deeply, and live richly though conveying important information to us constantly.
But, unless we tune in to this incredible body of ours, we may find ourselves living a less than fulfilling life.
We may try hard to ignore the subtle messages of our body, the tightness in our gut, the unexplained or fleeting moments of sadness, the slight ache when we lift something, the difficulty sleeping at night, a sense of hunger even though we recently finished our meal, until one day we find these long ignored messages have taken on more urgency.
They are no longer subtle, they are screaming for us to pay attention.
We find ourselves in a deep depression, overweight, living with pain, and perhaps popping pills to sleep or in hopes of feeling happier.
There is a natural, more healthful and purposeful path.
Learning to tune into and stay present with your life experiences may not be as simple as turning a dial, but once we learn how, and we gain the tools, it becomes natural.
Once we know how, when we feel confused, stuck, or in pain, all we have to do is tune in to our body, mind and heart connection.
If we still feel stuck or confused, then there is more to be conveyed.
It is a process, and it is very empowering, and uplifting, and you become in charge of your life, rather than a passenger in your life.
Whether it is your career, relationships, health, home, or family that has you feeling less than inspired in this moment, you have the tools to make changes that will bring you clarity.
Don't wait until the message knocks you off your rocker.
You can learn to listen to the whisper.
Through a series of highly experiential exercises, lecture sessions, reflective time, and interactions with horses and nature, one learns to quiet not just their external world but most importantly to quiet the mind chatter and connect to the most important source of information available.
The body.
This is about learning to feel, taking you further into your experience in relationship to your environment.
You actively seek a dialog with your body that is based in feeling.
You develop your relationship with your Self through transformational encounters with humans, horses, and nature.
Are you ready to tune in to your Self?