A Regular Visit To A Dental Clinic Will Keep The Pain Away
December is certainly a season to be merry. Parties are everywhere, foods are delicious yet fattening and the desserts are sinfully good. Just imagine those melt in your mouth chocolates and crunchy candies and cookies. You can never get enough of those especially when a month ago it was Halloween and trick or treat has also made you happy with those sweet things that you get from your neighbors. On the eve of Christmas day, stockings will again be filled with yummy candies from our dear Santa Claus. Children will enjoy this season particularly the mouth watering sweets that they get. The past few days and the next days that will come will make the kids blissfully happy. Their dental health is forgotten and will only be remembered once they hurt. The parents will then worry that tooth decay is probably the cause of it due to what they had eaten. There are natural remedies or alternative that could alleviate the pain they get from toothache before going to a dental clinic.
Instant relief will be felt once these natural remedies are applied. It is effective but it can only be temporary. Parents must remember that their small kids have low threshold for pain. They will complain or cry about it until it is gone. If their toothache did not lessen, a visit to a specialist might be needed. You can have it checked in a dental clinic where a dentist will take care of it. An analgesic might be prescribed or a tooth might be removed. Your kids will be given tips on how to take care of their pearly whites to prevent build up of plaque and tartar.
- SALT WATER- mix a tablespoon of salt to a cup of warm water and gargle it to help kill the bacteria that caused the damage and it will help lessen the ache. There are some cases that the gums may swell because of the infection; this could also reduce the swelling.
- GARLIC- this is popular as an alternative medicine since the ancient times. It can reduce pain once a clove of garlic is placed on the impacted tooth for a few minutes. There are some dentists who made a paste out of garlic and olive oil which will be applied on the damaged tooth. This is a very effective home remedy.
- HOT AND COLD COMPRESS- athletes have been practicing this do-it-yourself remedy. They usually do this when a muscle is strained. A cold compress can be applied on the cheeks to reduce the swelling and numb the area so pain will not be felt. Blood circulation will increase through the warmth that is emitted by the hot compress.
Instant relief will be felt once these natural remedies are applied. It is effective but it can only be temporary. Parents must remember that their small kids have low threshold for pain. They will complain or cry about it until it is gone. If their toothache did not lessen, a visit to a specialist might be needed. You can have it checked in a dental clinic where a dentist will take care of it. An analgesic might be prescribed or a tooth might be removed. Your kids will be given tips on how to take care of their pearly whites to prevent build up of plaque and tartar.