How to Remove an Element From an Empty Array in Ruby
- 1). Input "array.empty?" to check if the array contains elements. If the program returns "true," the array contains no elements to remove.
- 2). Insert "arrayname.clear" into the code or into Interactive Ruby (IRB) to remove all elements from an array. Replace "arrayname" with the name of the desired array.
- 3). Insert "a.delete_at(#)" to remove a single element from an array. Ruby starts at "0" when numbering elements in an array. For example,
a = [1, 2, 3]
the above code would remove "1" from the array, changing the array to "a = [2, 3]". Using "a.delete_at(0)" a second time would remove "2" from the array. - 4). Repeat step three until all elements are removed, creating an empty array. You can create a simple loop statement in the program to remove all arrays if you don't want to use the "clear" method:
while a.empty? == false