Tonsil Stones (tonsilloliths) – How Can I Get Rid of Tonsil Stones?
For years people would go through life without ever knowing what Tonsil Stones were or what caused them. It is only since the advent of the Internet that sufferers have been able to find out and learn more about this condition without asking their Doctor or Dental Hygienist embarrassing questions, which they may not be able to answer anyway.
Tonsilloliths are small hard whitish/yellow lumps that form at the back of the throat within the crevices of your tonsils (tonsil crypts). They tend to vary in size from very small stones about the size of crumbs too much larger ones that can be the size of peas. For some they can have the feeling of a foreign object lodged at the side of the throat, which can be an uncomfortable and annoying occurrence until they finally work their way out and are either coughed up or swallowed.
They seem to occur more frequently in teenagers and adults than in younger children and often give a dry, metallic bad taste in the back of the mouth. It is quite common for sufferers to also experience chronic bad breath because sulfur-producing bacteria found at the back of the tongue, which is a major contributor in the formation of Tonsil Stones is also responsible for many bad breath problems.
If you have Tonsil Stones it does not mean there is anything wrong with you, it is just a very annoying hindrance that we could do without. In fact for most of us, apart from the stones being a bit uncomfortable the main problem is the bad breath that normally arises with this condition.
I have personally suffered with Tonsil Stones for years and until quite recently did not know what they were or where they came from. Mine are only small so I very rarely noticed them until I coughed them up. I have also suffered with chronic bad breath but never linked the two together until I researched into the possibility that they could be connected. Finding out that both problems were almost certainly connected, I set out to find a solution to my problem.
After extensive research I found a company committed to helping people with this problem. It really made sense and I began to actually understand why Tonsil Stones formed and what we can do about them. I tried the recommended products and had great success, but I must tell you that the treatment did not totally eliminate my tonsil stones. They were considerably less frequent now, but the biggest surprise for me was how it totally stopped my bad breath and made my mouth feel fresh all the time. It made me more confident and less embarrassed when talking to others, knowing that I no longer have a bad breath problem.
For those who have suffered in silence with Tonsil Stones and probably have done for quite some time, don't give up because there is treatment available to help you. It certainly changed my life for the better and could do the same for you.