Fat Burning Dietary Foods
Diet program holds important role in weight-lose program. In addition to regular exercise, choose and arrange the food you will consume is a very good step to improve our diets. But, what food is included in healthy diet food? If you eat the wrong food, it can be stored as belly fat.
Did you know that some foods can help burn fat in the body? If you eat these foods and do regular exercise, it will increase your metabolism and burn more fat more quickly for several hours even after exercise.
Do you know that it takes more energy to digest protein than to digest fat? So the more protein you eat, the more calories burned. Here are excerpts from the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, Vol. 23, No. 5, 373-385 (2004) based on research conducted by Thomas L. Halton and Frank B. Hu, MD, PhD,:
"A diet high in protein has been shown to enhance the effect of thermogenesis and satiety compared with diets with lower protein content. The results of this study also showed that high protein foods cause a decrease in energy intake at subsequent meals. In the diet, it would be beneficial to partially replace simple carbohydrates with protein sources low in saturated fat. "
Vitamin C
Fruits rich in vitamin C such as orange juice, lemons, oranges, guavas, grapes and oranges reduces the effectiveness of fat and acts as a cofactor of carnitine production in the body, where carnitine is needed to burn body fat acids.
One of the choline-rich foods is soy. Choline helps inhibit the absorption of fat and break down fat reserves.
Foods high in fiber, which usually also have a low glycemic index, insulin levels and help keep our blood sugar more stable, because the function of insulin itself one of which is to store fat.
One study reported that the calcium in milk and other dairy products like milk, cheese, and yogurt acts as a fat burner that can increase weight loss by increasing fat solution in fat cells.
Did you know that some foods can help burn fat in the body? If you eat these foods and do regular exercise, it will increase your metabolism and burn more fat more quickly for several hours even after exercise.
Do you know that it takes more energy to digest protein than to digest fat? So the more protein you eat, the more calories burned. Here are excerpts from the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, Vol. 23, No. 5, 373-385 (2004) based on research conducted by Thomas L. Halton and Frank B. Hu, MD, PhD,:
"A diet high in protein has been shown to enhance the effect of thermogenesis and satiety compared with diets with lower protein content. The results of this study also showed that high protein foods cause a decrease in energy intake at subsequent meals. In the diet, it would be beneficial to partially replace simple carbohydrates with protein sources low in saturated fat. "
Vitamin C
Fruits rich in vitamin C such as orange juice, lemons, oranges, guavas, grapes and oranges reduces the effectiveness of fat and acts as a cofactor of carnitine production in the body, where carnitine is needed to burn body fat acids.
One of the choline-rich foods is soy. Choline helps inhibit the absorption of fat and break down fat reserves.
Foods high in fiber, which usually also have a low glycemic index, insulin levels and help keep our blood sugar more stable, because the function of insulin itself one of which is to store fat.
One study reported that the calcium in milk and other dairy products like milk, cheese, and yogurt acts as a fat burner that can increase weight loss by increasing fat solution in fat cells.