Powerful Blogging Tips to help you make money blogging
Blogging tips about using Wordpress as the blogging platform of choice really are wide and varied but it does really boil down to the fact that Wordpress is the platform that you really should use for your blogging.
If I had to choose one of the blogging tips about Wordpress it would be that you should host the blog yourself on it's own domain. This gives you full control over what is happening with your blog and you are not at the whim of any decision by the blogging company.
There was a well decimated incident recently about someone who had a great number of established blogger blogs which were all hosted on the blogger platform,.
This particular person was making several hundred dollars per day from these blogs only to wake up one morning to find that they had all been removed. As well as losing a considerable income this person also lost all of the content which had taken years to build up.
So, as you can see from this sorry situation, one of the best blogging tips that you could ever observe is to host your own blogs, I would go as far as to say that it would be absolute madness if you didn't. Another advantage of blogging tips such as this is that you will be able to monitor the stats far more closely on your blog and you will be able to see at an instance where all of your traffic is coming from and all of the time be safe in the knowledge that your blog is not likely to be removed on a whim of someone else.
Samantha Milner is a well-known creator of many online income streams. You can find a massive collection of free blogging tips [http://www.myeasyonlinepay.com] throughout her internet marketing blog.
If you want to learn how to make money online Samantha is here to lead the way.
If I had to choose one of the blogging tips about Wordpress it would be that you should host the blog yourself on it's own domain. This gives you full control over what is happening with your blog and you are not at the whim of any decision by the blogging company.
There was a well decimated incident recently about someone who had a great number of established blogger blogs which were all hosted on the blogger platform,.
This particular person was making several hundred dollars per day from these blogs only to wake up one morning to find that they had all been removed. As well as losing a considerable income this person also lost all of the content which had taken years to build up.
So, as you can see from this sorry situation, one of the best blogging tips that you could ever observe is to host your own blogs, I would go as far as to say that it would be absolute madness if you didn't. Another advantage of blogging tips such as this is that you will be able to monitor the stats far more closely on your blog and you will be able to see at an instance where all of your traffic is coming from and all of the time be safe in the knowledge that your blog is not likely to be removed on a whim of someone else.
Samantha Milner is a well-known creator of many online income streams. You can find a massive collection of free blogging tips [http://www.myeasyonlinepay.com] throughout her internet marketing blog.
If you want to learn how to make money online Samantha is here to lead the way.