Month-Long Observances in November
The month of November has some really fun and interesting days to celebrate. The days listed here are those that should be of special interest to gifted children and their families. The month has also been set aside to focus on some special interests. You can find information and activities for the month as well as the special days in it.
All November Holidays and Observances | Holidays and Observances for All Months
- National Novel Writing Month
Many authors began writing when they were quite young. That is not to say that all of their early work was worthy of critical acclaim. What it means is that they began working on their skills early. You might want to encourage your child to practice her writing skills and write a novel on their favorite topic. You might think about writing a novel yourself! In fact, you can make novel writing a family activity!
Writing Fiction: From Poems to Short Stories to Novels - Family Stories Month
If writing a novel is a bit too ambitious for you and your child, encourage short story writing. This is easy to do with family stories. Not only will this encourage creative writing, but it will also provide opportunities for your child to learn about your family's history. These are stories that can be passed on from generation to generation. When they are written down, they will endure and can be shared forever.
Writing Fiction: From Poems to Short Stories to Novels
Writing Family Stories: A Fun Family Activity
- Military Family Appreciation Month
I've always respected our military men and women, but it wasn't until my son became a soldier that I understood what it meant to be a family member of someone in the military. Parents, spouses, and children all "serve" in their own way when they're loved one is part of the Armed Forces. They may not put themselves in harm's way, but they live without their loved one and worry about the safety of their loved one when he or she is deployed to a combat zone. They provide support for their loved one and must often celebrate holidays and special occasions without their service member. Take some time this month thinking about the military and the sacrifices made by those serving and the families who love them.
Photo Slide Show of Miliary Members Welcomed Home by Family Members
Giving Military Kids a Voice
Military Family Appreciation Month Facebook Page
Military Career: Is it the right choice for your child?
When a Parent is Deployed: Books to Help Children Cope - National Scholarship Month
Going to college gets more and more expensive every year - at least it seems that way! The cost of attending college is definitely rising, and few students graduate without large loans they need to pay off. If your child is planning on attending college, he or she should check on the numerous scholarships available. Even before your child is ready to start looking for colleges, you might want to familiarize yourself with some of the scholarships opportunities so that you can offer some guidance when the time comes. Spend this month looking into scholarship possibilities with your child.
Scholarship Tips
College Scholarships with January Deadlines (includes links to scholarships with other monthly deadlines)
Big Money College Scholarships - American Music Month
Is your child interested in music? What does she - or you - know about American music and American composers? The National Federation of Music Clubs proclaimed November to be American Music Month with the intention that music programs focus on American composers. What have these composers contributed to the world of music? If your child is interested in music, or you'd like to encourage an interest in music in your child, then take some time this month to teach your child about American music and American composers.
National Federation of Music Clubs
Classics for Kids Programs - American Composers
American Composers Forum - Music by Kids for Kids
Popular U.S. Classical Composers
Profile of Scott Joplin - International Drum (Percussion) Month
More music for this month! I'm sure some parents don't see drums as music, but percussion is important in most music compositions. Drums are also among the oldest instruments known to man. Kids can start learning how to drum even before owning a big drum set. Drums aren't the only percussion instruments either. If your child is one of those who constantly beats on things to keep a beat, it might be a sign that she's a percussionist in the making!
Percussion Instruments
How to Make Your Own Toy Drum
How to Learn Drums for Kids (video) - Aviation History Month
What child doesn't enjoy watching planes fly over head or watch them take off and land at airports? What child doesn't love making and flying paper airplanes? There is something about flight that fascinates all of us, not just children. What keeps things aloft in the air? From simple kites to space shuttles the history of aviation is fascinating, especially for those kids who wonder at the science behind it all.
Aviation for Kids (Time line)
How Did We Learn to Fly Like the Birds?
Fun Flight Facts for Kids
Junior Flyer Web Site
Youth Aviation Education & Activities
How to Celebrate Aviation History Month in November as a Family
Aviation Lesson Plans and Ideas - National Native American Month
How much do you know about Native Americans and their history? Most Americans are most familiar with names like Pocahontas and Sacajewea. But they aren't familiar with other Native Americans like Ira Hayes who played important roles in American history nor are many familiar with the different tribes and different traditions. Spend some time this month with your child learning about Native Americans, their cultures, and their history.
Guide to Selecting Children's and YA Books About Native Americans
Top American Indian Writers
Native American Heritage Month
November is Native American Heritage Month (government site)
Native American Dreamcatcher Craft for Kids